Thursday, 21 December 2023

 Wednesday 20th December 2023

Happy Holidays Everyone!

As 2023 draws to a close, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your kind words and gifts; and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 

We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 8th January, 2024.

With best wishes

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 8 December 2023



Friday 8 December 2023

Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz Blog - Friday 8th December 2023

 Happy Friday everybody! The children have worked exceptionally hard to complete their assessments this week and have had the opportunity to make some pinhole cameras. Thank you and well done to all of the children in Sapphire and Topaz, who have carried on without their teachers this week. We are very much looking forward to creating some carrot cookies on Monday using some World War II recipes. 

Christmas Jumper Day

All the children looked amazing in their Christmas Jumpers on Thursday and we have raised money that will continue to sponsor Thoko and her local community in Malawi. 

It's amazing to think that from such a small act on our behalf, we can make such a big difference for the young people who live such a long way away but share our right to an education. Thank you all so much!


This week, there will be no homework pages set due to the children sitting assessments. There are however, spellings set on SpellingFrame. 

Don't forget to bring in chocolate as your donation for our non-uniform day on Monday.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

Mrs Witherall, Mrs Devlin and Miss Sharman

Friday, 17 November 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

We hope that you are enjoying your long weekend.

This week, children in Topaz Class braved the rainy weather and took part in their Bikeability course.

Next week, it will be the turn of Sapphire Class.

Miss Sharman has managed to book Ruby Class in for the week beginning 27th November and will send letters to those of you who have booked a space on Monday.

Don't forget that it is flu imunisation day on Tuesday and individual and sibling photographs on Thursday.

Homework has been uploaded to Google Classroom.  The pages can be found here.

Spellings have been set on Spellingframe.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall


Friday, 10 November 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

This week in Year 5 and 6 we have been writing recounts from the point of view of the crew of Ernest Shackleton's ship.  The children have enjoyed getting into character and imagining what life would have been like in Antarctica.

We didn't get to make our periscopes in science, but are hoping to do so next week.  If you still have some cereal boxes at home, please could you send them in with your child on Monday.

Today, we held a Remembrance Assembly, where Mrs Morgan played The Last Post and Mr Jude explained the importance of Armistice Day.  The children were very respectful during the minute of silence we held.  We would like to thank Mr Jude and Mrs Morgan for delivering such a lovely assembly.


Year 6 children in Topaz Class will be taking part in their Bikeability sessions.  Their bikes must be in good working order.  Please check brakes, tyres and seat height this weekend.  Children need to walk their bikes into school on Monday and leave them outside the Year 5/6 classrooms.  If they do not wish to take them home at the end of each day, Miss Sharman will lock them away, safely, overnight.

Girls may bring a pair of leggings and trainers to change into if they wish.

If the instructors do not feel that the children are competent enough at riding inside the school grounds, they will not allow them to continue the course as this takes place out on the local roads.


Don't forget that there is an INSET day on Friday 17th November.  

Homework pages for this week can be found here

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 3 November 2023


Happy Friday!

It has been lovely to welcome the children back for the second half of the Autumn term.  

This week we have been completing our Believe and Achieve writing.  The children have planned and written stories about a magic escalator.  They have produced some lovely, imaginitive work and demonstrated their understanding of structuring and punctuating stories.

This afternoon we made poppy wreaths in preparation for Remembrance Day, next week.

Dates for your diary

Monday 13th - Thursday 16th November - Topaz Class Bikeability

Friday 17th November - INSET Day.

Monday 20th - Thursday 23rd November - Sapphire Class Bikeability

Tuesday 21st November - Flu Immunisations

Thursday 23rd November - Individual School Photographs

Thursday 30th November - Rayleigh Lights


We like to encourage the children in Year 5 and 6 to access their homework independently via Google Classroom.  We understand that this can sometimes be challenging for children who lack confidence in using technology. 

Therefore, we have decided to add a link to the homework pages for parents.  You can find this week's homework pages here.

Periscope Making

Next week, we will be making periscopes in Science.  For this, we need as many cereal boxes as possible.  If you have any at home that you could donate, please send them in with your child on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.  Enjoy the fireworks!

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 13 October 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

This week in Year 5 and 6 we enjoyed taking part in Mental Health Day.  During the course of the day, we spent time completing relaxing, mindfulness activities.  Children played rounders, did art and crafts, played boardgames and some even did some knitting!

A Message From Miss Harvey

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Harry Potter Book Day event! It was very busy but it was lovely to see so many people attend. 

We didn't have time to fit everything in so here is a link to the activities should you want to have a go at them or finish your drawings and of course for anyone else who did not attend. At the end of the video, there are some spells and it shows you how you use your wand to cast them which looks really fun!

Miss Harvey

Children from Topaz and Sapphire class have brought home a letter with the date of their Bikeability course.  A third session for Ruby Class will be booked as soon as a slot is available.  

Homework has been uploaded to Google Classroom

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 6 October 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

Freestyle Football

This week in Year 5 and 6, children have enjoyed taking part in some Freestyle Football sessions with Jamie Knight.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and were amazed at the demonstration Jamie performed for them.

Harvest Assembly

This afternoon, the whole school took part in a Harvest celebration in the hall.  Each phase group had prepared a performance.  Year 5 and 6 read the poem The Ballad of Harvest Past.  We would like to thank all of you who sent in tins and packets.  We have a large collection in the hall which will go to those who need them.

Parent/Teacher Consultations
On Tuesday 17th October & Wednesday18th October between 3.30-6.00pm we will be holding our Parent/Teacher consultations. This will be an opportunity to meet and discuss how your child has settled into school. All gates will be open, but entrance to the school is via the main entrance by the school office. All meetings take place in the hall.

Bookings can be made from today and is done via Scopay. If you are unsure of your Scopay login, please go and see the office as they will be able to issue with your details. It is important to have these details as they will be used to book trips, pay dinner money and make Parent/Teacher meeting appointments throughout your child's time at Down Hall.

World Mental Health Day
On Tuesday 10th October, we will be celebrating World Mental Health Day at Down Hall.
The theme for 2023, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health, is "Mental health is a universal human right." Down Hall Primary School see mental health and well-being as "being comfortable, healthy and/or happy."

To mark this very important day, we would like the children to come to school next Tuesday (10th) in non-school uniform wearing clothes that are comfortable and, if possible, linking to the colours of "Inside Out" which are: green, purple, yellow, blue and red. We hope this will encourage them to explore some of their own emotions. Throughout the day, the children will be taking part in class activities relating to World Mental Health Day. We aim to raise awareness of mental health and drive positive change for everyone's mental health.

Harry Potter Book Day

Thursday 12th October is Harry Potter book day and Miss Harvey is inviting any fellow Harry Potter fans to attend a special after school event full of Harry Potter activities to celebrate. This will be straight after school until 4pm and all children are welcome to attend but be quick as there are only 30 spaces.

Dressing up is encouraged so please feel free to bring something to change into for the event. 

A letter will come home with your child by owl on Monday with a reply slip.

Miss Harvey

Homework has been set on Google Classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 29 September 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

We have had another busy week in Year 5 and 6.  Children have been enjoying learning about WWII in their project lessons and have produced a lovely piece of artwork this afternoon depicting London during The Blitz.

In English, children have been reading and finding features of biographies and have been continuing to work with place value in maths.

The Year 5 and 6 football teams played in two matches, this week, winning their first game against Edward Francis and losing to Plumberow.

Next week, it is the girls turn to represent the school on Wednesday in an all day tournament at Waterside.

A message from Mrs Yuille 

For Harvest this year we are collecting for The One Love Project; a soup kitchen and food bank providing support for those families and children that really need it.  We will celebrate in school with a special assembly where we will share songs that we have rehearsed for the occasion.  If you are able to send in any non-perishable items for the collection before Friday 6th October they would be most gratefully received.  We thank you for your continued support in helping our children to understand Children's Rights and learn how to look after ourselves, each other and our world. 

RSS Articles 24 and 27: Every child has the right to the best possible health and a good standard of living.

Homework has been posted on Google Classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 22 September 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

This week has flown by!

The children in Year 5 and 6 have been enjoying rehearsing and performing parts of Macbeth in English.  They have amazed their teachers with their understanding of the play and their dramatic performances.  Oscars all round we think!

Children have been working hard in their maths lessons, learning about place value.  They are working hard and showing a good understanding of what they have been taught.


Thank you for returning your child's Bikeability letter (if your child is in Year 6).  Miss Sharman has booked slots in November.  Letters will be sent out nearer the time with your child's course days.


Well done to the children who took part in the Table Tennis tournament at Grovewood this week.  Considering it was the first time we have ever entered the competition, the children played brilliantly and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.  


Homework has been posted on Google Classroom.  Please make sure your child checks the pages carefully, as we have had a number of children completing the wrong pages this week.  If they do this, the pages won't be marked until they have been set for everyone.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall 

Friday, 15 September 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

Thank you to those of you who attended our Parent Overview meeting on Wednesday.  If you were unable to come along, your child should have brought home a copy of the slides used in the presentation.  If you have any questions, please email


Children found out today whether they have been successful in being selected to be part of our football and High 5 netball teams.  Congratulations to all of those who were chosen by Mr Harrington, Mr Rush and Miss Coombes.  Well done to everyone who put themselves forward and took part in the trials.


Clubs start on Monday.  There are still spaces in Tag Rugby.  Children have been learning to play during PE lessons.  We are due to take part in a tournament this term.  It would be lovely to be able to select children from the club as well as from lessons.  If your child wishes to join, please contact Mr Harrington.


On Thursday, we were fortunate enough to have The Young Shakespeare Company come into school and perform Macbeth for the children in Year 5 and 6.  The children (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed it.  

We are currently learning about Shakespeare in our English lessons and have written a review of the play and designed a poster to go with it in school today.


On Thursday we will be holding our House Captain elections.  If your Year 6 child would like to apply for the role, they need to write a speech stating why they should be chosen and prepare a poster to put on display.  Children will then cast their votes on Thursday afternoon.

Good luck to all of the children who are applying.


Homework has been uploaded to Google Classroom.  It is the children's responsibility to log into their classroom page and find the pages set each week.

  •  'able' and 'ible' words on Spellingframe.  
  • Year 5 GPS- Foundation - Pages 88 and 89          Targeted - Pages 82 and 83
  • Year 5 Maths - Foundation - Page 11                      Targeted - Page 11
  • Year 6 GPS - Foundation - Pages 84 and 85         Targeted - Pages 82 and 83
  • Year 6 Maths - Foundation - 2 to 6 (including page 6 - place value)      Targeted - Pages 2 to 6 (including page 6 - place value)
Have a lovely weekend.  Enjoy the last of the sunshine!

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 8 September 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all back after what was hopefully a lovely summer break.

The children have settled into their new year groups quickly and have worked hard, despite the hot weather.

Next Thursday (14th) we are lucky enough to have The Young Shakespeare Company visiting the school to perform to the children in Year 5 and 6.

The performance is due to finish at 3:30pm.  Therefore, please collect your children at this time.  If they walk home alone, they may be a few minutes later than usual.

Don't forget, trials for our High 5 Netball and Football teams are next week.  Please see the newsletter for more information.

We look forward to seeing those of you who are able to attend our Parent Overview meeting next week.  This will be held in Sapphire Class on Wednesday 13th at 2:30pm.  This is an opportunity to meet your child's teacher and find out information about Year 5 and 6.  If you are unable to attend, a copy of the slides will be sent home with your child.

No homework this week.  Homework will be set next Friday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 14 July 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

Next week is the last week of the school year and we are getting ready to say a fond farewell to our Year 6 children.

Year 6 should have brought home an invitation to our Hawaiian themed pizza party which will take place after school on Monday.  Please ask them to bring their reply slips into school with them on Monday morning if they have not done so already.

Thank you to everyone who has returned their slip, booking seats for Wednesday evening's leavers assembly.  Again, if you have not returned yours yet, please do so on Monday.


Children in Year 5 and 6 will have brought home their end of year reports today.  For children in Year 6, this also includes their SATs results.  When reading their results please note the Scaled Score they received as well as their level.  Children who gained 100 or more as a scaled score are working within the level expected for a child of their age.  Children achieving 110 or more are working at greater depth.


We are once again holding a collection for Shoeshare so now is the time to start rummaging around your cupboards for old shoes that don't fit or you no longer wear!  Shoeshare is a collaboration between UNICEF and Clarks Shoes which works towards improving Children's Rights around the world.  More than £1.6 million pounds has been raised by Shoeshare to help ensure that children all around the world have access to quality education.  

You can read more about the scheme here.

It's hard to believe that together we can make such a huge difference by the very simple act of sorting out our shoes but we really can, and every contribution does help.  Shoes need to be in pairs and if possible held together with an elastic band.  There will be a drop off point at the office or you can just send shoes in with your child at any point during the last week of term.  

Thanks in advance for your continued support in helping our children to learn about sustainability, the wider world that we live in and how to care for others. 
RRS:  Every child has the right to an education and to a clean and healthy environment.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Saturday, 8 July 2023


Hello everyone!

We really hope you enjoyed Sports Day, yesterday, especially those of you for whom it will be the last one.  

Don't forget that it is our Leavers Assembly on 19th.  If you have not returned the reply slip, please do so as soon as possible.

Mrs Witherall has asked that Year 6 return to school between 5:15pm and 5:30pm, in order for them to get changed and ready for the performance.

Important Dates

14th July - Non-uniform day

14th July - Reports out to parents

17th July - Year 6 Pizza Party - more information to follow

19th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly

21st July - Last day of term


We have been asked to share the following information regarding the Class Photos that were taken recently:

Dear Parent/Carer,
Your recent Group photograph is now ready to view and purchase at
There will be a free “deliver to school” option open for approximately 7 days, otherwise home delivery is available for £5 postage and packing.
If you need assistance, please call 01736 751555 (option 5) or click on contact us on the home page .
Many thanks,
Tempest Photography   

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 30 June 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

It has been an exciting week in Year 5 and 6.  The Year 5 children found out which classes they will be in next year and Year 6 have had their transition visits to their secondary schools.

Parents of children in Year 6 should have received a letter regarding arrangements for this year's Leavers' Assembly which will take place on July 19th at 6pm.  Please return the slip, stating whether or not you will be attending as soon as possible.  Please be aware that we can only accommodate 2 guests per family.  

Next week, we have Open School on Tuesday.  You are welcome to come and look around your child's class and meet their new teacher for September.

Isle of Wight photographs will be on display in Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz.  A Google folder of these photos will be shared with the children.

Friday is Sports Day.  You should have received a letter this week with details of how the day will be run.

Please complete the form on the following link to let the office know of your child's lunchtime arrangements.

No homework this week as it has been assessment week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 23 June 2023


Happy Friday folks!

We hope you are all enjoying this fantastic weather.  Please remember to make sure your child has sun cream on before they come to school.  They also need a full water bottle (water only please) and a hat.  

If you are planning on coming to the Summer Fete, tomorrow, we look forward to seeing you. 


On Thursday 29th, we are having class photographs taken.  We are aware that this is also the Fitz transition day.  If your child is attending the transition day, please bring them to Down Hall as usual so that they can be in the class photo before going to Fitz.  

Year 5 and 6 will need to go straight to the hall, rather than to their classrooms at 8:45.

Full uniform, including ties and jumpers/cardigans will be required for the photos and we would prefer the Year 6 children to attend their transition days wearing our school tie please.

Please, also make sure your Year 6 child has a tie for Monday 26th, as Miss Sharman will be taking a group photo for the Echo.  

Open school

On Tuesday 4th July, we will be hosting our yearly 'open school' event.  Parents are welcome to visit their child's classroom and see some of the lovely work they have produced.  We look forward to seeing you.

Photos from the Isle of Wight residential trip will be on display in Sapphire and Topaz class.  Year 6 children will be given access to the photographs within the next couple of weeks via their Google accounts.

Sports Day

Sports day is on 7th July.  KS2 a.m and EYFS and KS1 p.m.  More details to follow early next week.

Leaver's Assembly

This will be held on Wednesday 19th July at 6pm.  More details to follow.....

Homework has been posted on the Classroom pages.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 9 June 2023


Happy Friday folks!

This is our first blog of the final half term of the school year.  Where has this year gone?

Before half term, the Year 6 children went on their residential trip to the Isle of Wight.  They were a credit to the school and made Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Miss Langley and Miss Bamber extremely proud.

Members of the public, as well as people working in the places we visited commented on their wonderful manners and behaviour.  We have lots of photos which will be on display in Year 6 classrooms during open school.  

Don't forget that we have the Father's Day sale next Friday.  Remember to send a carrier bag for them to put their purchases in.  We would hate to spoil a surprise!


We have been informed that the transistion visit for children who will be attending Fitz in September clashes with our class photo day. (29th June)

Please can we ask that parents to bring children to Down Hall, first thing as we will have our photographs taken first.  Children will then need to be dropped off at Fitz.  We will inform Fitz that our children may arrive a little later than planned on that day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Thursday, 25 May 2023

End of Summer 1

 Thursday 25th May - Year 5/ 6

Happy Thursday to everyone. It has been a busy week in school, despite the absence of our lovely year 6s. We have been looking at position and direction in maths, writing a 'villainous' versions of nursery rhymes in English and have made our very own volcanoes. 

As we would like all of the children to have a relaxing week, we have not set homework. However, it would be wonderful if you could encourage them to complete some light reading or spend a little time on TTRS. 

We hope that you have a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 5th June for the start of our final half term before the summer.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 12 May 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

We have had a busy week here in Year 5/6.

SATs Week

This week, children in Year 6 have completed their SATs tests.  They were tested in grammar, punctuation and spelling, reading and maths. They approached the tests with maturity and resilience and tried their absolute best. We are so proud of them.  Results will be sent home with their end of year report in July.

Isle of Wight

With SATs out of the way, we can now look forward to our trip to the Isle of Wight.  You will receive a final letter about the trip, next week.  In the meantime, here is a list of everything the children will need to bring with them.


  • Trainers/shoes for the activities and trips
  • Socks (must have ankle socks to wear on the activities)
  • Underwear
  • Nightwear
  • T-shirts
  • Jumpers/tracksuit tops (must have long sleeved tops for activities
  • Tracksuit bottoms/combat type trousers for activities.  Jeans cannot be worn for activities, but can be brought for the afternoon/evening visits)
  • Children to travel in clothing of their choice with sensible footwear for the Mary Rose visit

  • Towels (don't give them your best ones!)
  • Toiletries in a toiletry bag (no spray products e.g. deodorant, hair spray etc.  No hair gel, or make-up. This will be confiscated by the adults if children bring them)
  • Small backpack for the offsite trips
  • Insect repellent, lip balm (not coloured) and sun cream.
  • Purse or wallet
  • A keyring for their room key
  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • A suitcase/holdall that they can carry/drag
  • A packed lunch to eat at The Mary Rose

This needs to be given to Miss Sharman on the Monday of departure.  Please put your child's name on the medication with instructions regarding when and how often it is to be administered.  All medication provided needs to be new, unopened bottles/packets.

EXTRA ITEMS TO BRING (these are optional)

Books/magazines/puzzle books
Card games e.g. Uno/Boggle!
Disposable cameras



Please send in £20 in a combination of pound coins or £5 notes.  This should be in a container with your child's name clearly marked. This needs to be given to Mrs Devlin please.
Please do not give your child any extra money as this will be unfair to others and will be confiscated by adults.

As always, if you have any questions please email Miss Sharman or Mrs Devlin on the Year 5/6 email address

Year 6 Transition Meetings
This week, a teacher from Sweyne visited our Year 6 children.  She brought along some of last year's Year 6s to tell us all about life at Sweyne.  Our children asked lots of questions and thoroughly enjoyed seeing their old friends.
Visits from other schools are currently being arranged for the children who will not be attending Sweyne.

Finally, we would like to say thank you to Year 5, who has been so supportive of their peers this week.
They have adapted to the change in timetable and learning in the hall rather than the classrooms brilliantly.  All staff who have worked with them have commented on their wonderful behaviour and how hard they have worked for them.  Well done Year 5 and thank you!

Oh well! Back to normal next week.  
Have a lovely weekend.  
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall


Friday, 5 May 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

Woo hoo, another bank holiday folks!  We would like to wish you all a lovely Coronation Weekend.

There is no homework this week for Year 5/6.  We would like the children to spend the weekend enjoying any celebrations you are taking part in and making memories with their families.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our day today.  EYFS acted out the Coronation in assembly this morning.  At lunchtime, children enjoyed a picnic lunch and proudly wore the crowns they had put together in class.  This afternoon, we had an extra assembly where each phase performed a song.  Year 5/6 sang 'I Just Can't Wait To Be King', from The Lion King.

A great day was had by all.

Please remember that next week is SATs week for the Year 6 children.  Please ensure your child is at school every day and arrives on time each morning.  If your child is joining us for breakfast, please drop them at the main entrance (car park).  A member of staff will be there to let them in from 8am.

Have a fab weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Saturday, 29 April 2023


 Happy Bank Holiday Weekend everyone.

Please remember that there is no need to set your alarms for Monday morning!

Thank you to all of the Year 6 parents who have ordered a hoodie for their child.  You have been amazingly swift with your order and I am ready to send the form to the hoodie company for printing.  They will arrive in time for the Isle of Wight trip.  

Please also remember to let me know, if you haven't already, whether your child will be joining us for breakfast during SATs week.  They do not have to come everyday, I just needed a rough idea of numbers so that I could order enough cereal etc.

SATs week beging on Tuesday 9th May.  Please ensure your child attends school every day during that week and avoid making any appointments for them in the mornings.

If you have any questions regarding SATs week or the upcoming Isle of Wight Trip, please contact us via the 5/6 email address and a member of staff will get back to you.

Miss Sharman

This week in Year 5/6 we have begun our new project on Ancient Greece.  The children have enjoyed reading the story of Pandora's Box and have written apology letters from Pandora to Zeus.

In maths, children in Year 6 have continued with their revision for SATs and year 5 have moved on from working with fractions, decimals and percentages and have begun learning to measure and estimate angles.  They have thoroughly enjoyed using protractors and playing Alien Angles at the end of lessons.

Next week, we begin our Coronation Celebrations as we prepare to officially welcome King Charles III as our new monarch next weekend.

Have a lovely long weekend.  Let's hope the sun continues to shine!

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 31 March 2023


Happy Friday everyone!  Where on earth did this term go?  It doesn't seem that long ago we were wishing you all a Merry Christmas and now, here we are, wishing you a Happy Easter!


On Monday, Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a trip to Barleylands.  We were extremely lucky with the weather and were able to enjoy lots of the outdoor activities.  The children's behaviour was exceptional.  Year 5 and 6 would like to give a huge thank you to Miss Langley for organising such a fun and educational day out and to all the parents and carers who gave up their time to come along.

Looking ahead......

WIth the Easter holidays now upon us, we are beginning to think ahead to the Summer Term.  

SATs Week 2023

This year, SATs week runs from Tuesday 9th - Friday 12th May.  We would like to invite children in Year 6 to come into school from 8am during SATs week for a light breakfast of cereal, toast, yoghurt and juice. We have offered this to our Year 6 children in the past.  They have enjoyed having the opportunity to meet with friends, have breakfast and ease any nerves before the tests.  

Please be reminded that all Year 6 children are expected to attend school every day during SATs week.

Easter Homework

Your child will have brought home some Easter maths and English homework. This should be completed across the two weeks and returned to your child's class teacher by the Wednesday of the first week back.

Isle of Wight 2024

Children in Year 5 will have brought home a letter regarding their Isle of Wight trip next year. We have provisionally booked the trip and would encourage you to return the reply slip attached to the letter as soon as possible, after Easter.
If you have any questions regarding the trip, please email Miss Sharman or Mrs Devlin via the Year 5/6 address or pop in to see Miss Wakefield/Miss Sharman at either 9am or 2.30pm on Tuesday 18th April.

Have a wonderful Easter break. We look forward to welcoming the children back for the Summer Term,

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 24 March 2023


Year 5/6 Blog - Friday 24th March 

Dear Parents/ Carers

The wind has blown us straight to the end of another week. We have been very busy as it has been assessment week. This means that there will be no homework this week (I hope the children aren't too upset😊).
The Year 6 children will be doing their maths assessments next week, so have brought home an arithmetic paper to complete. This week, they have been working hard to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. 
We are all very excited to go to Barleylands on Monday. 

Barleylands Trip

  • On Monday the gates will open at 8:30am and close at 8:45am. The coaches are leaving at 9:00am prompt so please make sure you get here for 8:30am - set those alarms!
  • Children need to be in normal school uniform although you can wear comfortable footwear or footwear that takes the weather conditions into account.
  • Children need to bring a packed lunch and a filled water bottle. This needs to be clearly labelled. It will be easier for the children if this is all in a disposable bag that can be thrown away at the end of lunchtime.
  • No money or anything else needs to be brought in on this day.

Have a lovely weekend - see you at 8:30am on Monday!

Best wishes

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 17 March 2023

🔴 Friday 17th March 2023


Year 5/6 Blog - Friday 17th March 2023

Happy Friday everyone! We have had a lovely week writing to persuade. The children have created their very own 'Homework Helpers' to ensure that they can spend more time doing the things that they love...if only dreams came true!

In maths this week, year 5 have continued to explore fractions. This week, they have been finding the whole of an amount. To reinforce their learning this week, we would like them to log into and explore the games. The login details have been posted on Google Classroom.

Year 6 have also been working with fractions. We have looked at common multiples in order to convert the fractions so that they are easier to compare and order.

Red Nose Day 🔴

Thank you for all of the donations today.
The children looked great in their red and non-uniforms today. They all took part in some Red Nose Day activities and watched an assembly to understand the importance of raising some money. Discussions were held, linking the rights the children have met on a daily basis in comparison to the limitations others may have. We looked at how these projects help children to achieve the rights of the UNCRC and you can read the pocket book of rights HERE.

Odd Socks Day for Down Syndrome Day - Tuesday 21st March.

As stated in the newsletter, we are asking our children to come to school on Tuesday in aid of Down Syndrome Day wearing odd socks. There is no donation required on this day.

Mother's Day Sale

We would like to say a massive thank you to the PTA for organising and running the Mother's Day Sale today. Many of the children went home very excited to present their gifts with love this Sunday.

Hoping that you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 10 March 2023



Year 5/6 Blog - Friday 10th March 2023

Happy Friday once again. This half-term seems to be flying by!

We have had a rather exciting week this week. The children have been exploring persuasive writing and even managed to persuade us that baking Victorian shortbread was a good idea. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all this morning. Let's hope that some of them even got shared 😊

Year 6 have been exploring fractions further, adding, subtracting, multiplying them by another fraction and whole numbers. Year 5 have been finding fractions of amounts and will continue with this next week. 

Times Tables Rock Stars Day

This Thursday the children looked fabulous in their outfits. They took part in a times table battle and enjoyed listening to and singing rock songs for music. We would like to say a big well done to Isla and Archer, who took part in a 'live battle' against Mrs Hurley and Mr Greenfield. Congratulations to Archer, who was the winner!

Homework for all three classes was handed out and is available to view on Google Classrooms. They also have spellings set on Spellingframe.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 3 March 2023

Year 5/6 Blog -  Friday 3rd March 2023

We welcome another happy Friday here in Year 5/6 this week. The children have been very busy in English writing a review of the performance that they watched last Friday. When looking through their reviews, it is clear that they really enjoyed their afternoon. Throughout maths, Year 5 have been multiplying fractions and converting their answers into mixed numbers. Year 6 have been revising the four operations, using their lesson time to ensure that questions are clearly presented so that they can spot where they are making simple mistakes. 


All pages are on the children's Google classroom page and copies of the Arithmetic papers have been sent out with them today. The children also have spellings to practise on Spellingframe - passwords and logins have been given.

Musical Instrument Lessons

On Monday's assembly this week we were lucky to be joined by James Abel from Front Row Music. We are pleased to announce that Front Row Music will be offering guitar, keyboard and ukulele lessons at Down Hall Primary School!

All instruments are provided and lessons cost £7.00 and are 30 minutes long. The children learn together in small groups focusing on music that they will know and love. For more information and details on how to book lessons please follow the link below.

Front Row Music

Times Tables Rock Stars Day

A reminder that next week, on Thursday 9th March, we would like all the children to take the opportunity to dress up as rock stars for the day. During this day, they will take part in a range of maths activities. Prizes for the best-dressed rock star will be handed out. You do not need to bring a donation on this day.

World Book Day - Thursday 4th March

Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day at Down Hall! Our aim, as teachers, was to promote a love of reading and it was so lovely to see the children bring in their favourite books to share in class with each other. It was also fantastic to see children and staff dressing up. Some of the children enjoyed creating group stories that included a rather strange selection of details too!

We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

Kind Regards.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall and Miss Parsons.

Friday, 24 February 2023

Spring 2 blog - 24.2.23


Year 5/6 Blog - Friday 24th February 2023

Happy Friday everybody and welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term! 

In maths, Year 5 has been working on the area of rectangles and compound shapes. Year 6 have been revisiting fractions and shapes as well as continuing to practise the techniques needed for their SATs. Throughout our English lessons, we have been busy planning and writing a piece of narrative, independently, to demonstrate the skills that they have learnt in the previous half term.

Whole School Trip to Barleylands

This week your child will have brought home a letter regarding our whole school trip to Barleylands on Monday 27th March. Please ensure that you have completed the reply slip and returned this to school by Friday 17th March.

Please keep an eye on the newsletter for any further information regarding this trip.

Times Tables Rock Stars Day

This year, at Down Hall Primary School, we have had a big focus on Times Tables through our Times Table Programme as well as Times Tables Rock Stars. These have both helped the children become more fluent in their times tables.

On Thursday 9th March, we would like all the children to take the opportunity to dress up as rock stars for the day. During this day they will take part in a range of maths activities. Prizes for the best dressed rock star will be handed out. You do not need to bring a donation on this day.

The Young Shakespeare Company

This afternoon, the children enjoyed watching a performance of Hamlet by William Shakespeare. They thoroughly enjoyed not only watching but also participating throughout the play alongside the enthusiastic actors. 
We hope that the children had as much fun as we did watching, and bring the same enthusiasm to recording a performance review next week.

World Book Day

Don't forget Thursday is World Book Day. The information about how we are marking this in school can be found here. We are looking forward to finding out about the children's favourite stories. 

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend.


Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall and Miss Parsons

Friday, 10 February 2023

Friday 10th February 2023

Year 5/6 Blog-  Friday 10th February 2023

We find ourselves not only at the end of another week but also half way through the year. There are quite a lot of upcoming events, so we expect the remaining half to go fairly quickly.

This week, the children have been creating texts that required them to use the evidence found within the story 'Street Child' in order to write an account of a Victorian child's daily routine. In maths, Year 5 has been exploring both perimeter and area. Year 6 has been converting metric units in their maths lessons this week. All homework pages have been posted on Google Classroom. They have also been set spellings to practise on Spellingframe (passwords and logins have already been given out).

PTA Coin Run

The children thoroughly enjoyed creating their coin runs today. We would like to say a big thank you to the lovely parents for organising the event. Topaz were the class that managed to create the longest line of coins out of the school and was given a bag of sweets to celebrate this - well done Topaz!

Parent/Teacher Consultations

These will be taking place in school on Monday 27th February and Wednesday 1st March between 3:30-6:30pm. You can book your slot using your Scopay account - booking will open at 8:00am on Monday 20th February.

It will be lovely to see you all and a chance for you to see your child's books and discuss their progress and future targets!

World Book Day

This year, World Book Day is on Thursday 2nd March. To promote reading within our school community, for this day the children can bring in a favourite book from home which they can share with the other children in their class.

They can also bring in a prop which serves as a clue to their favourite book/character or come dressed up as a favourite character too if they so wish. On this day, all the children will also receive a £1 World Book Day voucher!

We hope that you have a lovely half-term and look forward to seeing the children again on Monday 20th February. 

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall and Miss Parsons.

Friday, 27 January 2023

Friday 27th January 2023


Friday 27th January 2023

Wishing you all another happy Friday. We have had a week of working hard, embedding the use of a range of techniques to include both character and setting descriptions. The children have been creating texts based on 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty, a book that is set in Victorian Britain. The children have enjoyed exploring how the times were so different from the experiences that they are lucky enough to receive today - particularly how children went to workhouses and had to sleep in wooden boxes on the floor!

Throughout maths, Year 5 have explored timetables and recapped all areas in preparation for assessments next week. Year 6 have continued to explore shape further, with a particular focus on 3D shapes this week.

Dance Festival

This Wednesday, some of our Year 5/6 children participated in a Dance Festival at the Palace Theatre. The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part and the feedback from spectators highlighted how well the children did. Well done to all of the children that took part, we are very proud of how you represented our school and showed off your moves. Special thanks to Mr Harrington and Miss Coombes for organising and teaching the children the routine.


A notification is on Google Classroom for children, with a list of websites, to provide the children an opportunity to revise and practice areas of learning to prepare for next week. Spellingframe is also set for the children (logins and passwords have already been provided).

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall and Miss Parsons.