Wednesday 3 July 2019


Dear parents, 

Our Year 6 pupils have been kindly invited to attend a 'Walk Online Roadshow' being delivered on Tuesday 16th July at Fitzwimarc School.

Walk Online is a roadshow that has been developed by a company called EST E-Safety Training to raise awareness of young people about the potential dangers when using the internet.  The roadshow will highlight various issues, including how easily young people can be exploited through well-known online games and apps.  The content illustrates exactly how these sites are being used to identify young people for potential exploitation and critically how young people can be alert to these risks knowing how to identify and report them.  

Pupils will leave school soon after registration in the morning and walk to Fitzwimarc School for their 09:50 - 11:20 session.  They will walk back to school immediately after the event and arrive in plenty of time for lunch as normal.  Pupils are to wear their normal school uniform. 

Permission slips are not required for this trip as it is a local visit.

Please see me if you have any questions relating to this event.

Thank you,  
Mr Richards