Friday 12 July 2024

Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz. Year 5/6 Friday 12th July 2024

 Friday 12th July 2024

Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz. Year 5/6 Friday 12th July 2024

Happy Friday to all. We have all been working our socks off this week! 

Year 5 have been enjoying looking at Alice in Wonderland this week, disecting some of the poetry and creating persuasive writing. They have enjoyed creating their Maya masks and we hope that you enjoyed looking at some of them in open evening this Thursday.

Year 6 have been working exceptionally hard to rehearse their performance, The Lion King, which we can't wait to show you next week.

Lion King Arrangements

The performance for adults will be from 6pm on Wednesday and Thursday next week. You may enter through the front car park doors.

We are hoping that it will take 1 and a half hours, with our PTA kindly offering an interval half-way through. There will be refreshments and cake, so please bring cash to support our fundraising for future events for the school.

Children will need to go home at normal time and return at the office 4:30pm to change into their costumes and have their faces painted on both nights.

Children not turning up can cause some disruptions to the performance, therefore, if you know that your child will not be attending, please let Mrs Witherall know ASAP, thank you.

Shoe Share

We are raising money for UNICEF by taking part in the Shoeshare scheme with Clarks of Rayleigh.  So, please search your cupboards for old pairs of shoes that you no longer need!  Send them to school and we will do the rest.  Shoes need to be in pairs and of a wearable condition.  Money will be used by UNICEF to support education projects around the world.  Every child has the right to an education (A28 &29 UNCRC) and as a Gold Rights Respecting School we are proud to be supporting UNICEF with this project.

Reading Books

In preparation for next year, we will be collecting in all reading books on Wednesday 17th July. If you know you will be away before this date, please hand in your reading book before this date. We would encourage you all to take part in the summer reading scheme at the library during the holidays to help keep up your child's reading fluency during the 6 week break.


We would like to thank you all for your hard work in supporting your child with their homework this year. We have returned their homework books to them and are asking for them to be returned again this year.

If there are some pages left, please work through them at your own pace. The maths homework book is also a useful tool for looking back over the ideas we have covered this year as a reminder during the summer holidays so your child does not get too rusty over the 6 weeks off.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Best wishes

Mrs Witherall, Mrs O'Connor and Mrs Devlin

Friday 5 July 2024

Friday 5th July

 Happy Friday everyone! 

Well, it's been another busy week with Year 5 working hard to complete assessments and Year 6 continuing to prepare for their production. Sadly, the weather has not been kind to us and we're disappointed that both sports day and the fete have had to be cancelled. Please take a look at the newsletter for class news, photos and important dates. Hopefully, next week the sun will shine!


Monday 8th July - KS2 District Sports Garons Park (am)

Tuesday 9th July – EYFS September 2024 Transition sessions 2.15-3.00pm

Thursday 11th July - Meet the Teacher (children are told about September classes/spend time with new teacher)

Thursday 11th July- Open School 3.45pm-5.30pm (parents can come in to look at children’s books/ meet September class teacher)

Monday 15th July - School Reports

Tuesday 16th July - Meet the Teacher (children spend time with new teacher)

Wednesday 17th July 6pm/Thursday 18th July 6pm - Year 6 Production

Friday 19th July - Meet the Teacher (children spend time with new teacher)

Friday 19th July - PTA Summer Disco

Monday 22nd July 1.45pm - Year 6 Leavers Assembly (for parents)

Tuesday 23rd July - Wellbeing Day (come to school wearing comfy clothing)

Tuesday 23rd July - Whole School Picnic Lunch on the field (parents welcome) 12.00pm-

1.00pm. School finishes at 1.00pm.


This has been set on Google classroom.

We hope you all have a restful weekend.

Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall and Mrs O Connor

Sunday 23 June 2024

Friday 21st June 2024

 Friday 21st June 2024

Happy Friday Everyone!

Well, we've made it to the end of another busy week. We'd like to thank everyone for supporting the Year 6 children with their cake sale. We hope you all have a restful weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Homework has been set on Google Classroom.

Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall & Mrs O'Connor

Friday 14 June 2024

Friday 14th June 2024

 Friday 14th June 2024

Year 5/6 Blog 14.6.24

Happy Friday everyone! What a busy week we have all had. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Sweyne and Fitzwimarc came to visit our Year 6 pupils to make sure that they knew what to expect in the upcoming months. 

On Thursday, the children had a wonderful time visiting the Hindu Mandir in Neesden. We are proud to say that they were alll well behaved and represented our school beautifully. I think we all agreed that it was an incredible piece of our culture to see and learn about - the children were amazed to see the detailed architecture and decoration. Please feel free to take a look around if you get a chance, to enter, it is free. There is only a small charge to visit the exhibition.

Today the children took part in the Race for Life. Most of our Year 5/6 children went around more than the expected amount. Thank goodness the rain held off to allow them all to achieve this for people we care so much about. Thank you for the many kind donations made - please see the newsletter for an update of money raised and some fabulous pictures.

Next Week

On Monday, we have an online Police Positive Action Roadshow to highlight and give information on Values vs Violence and Dreams & Aspirations. 

Year 6 will be holding a cake sale to raise money for their Leavers' Books. They are £1 each cake. 

Home work has been set on Google Classroom. 

Production - The Lion King

We are looking forward to continuing our rehearsals for Year 6. We shall send home a list of costumes/ clothing/ props for the roles and would appreciate any help providing these. Should anyone be able to offer some artistic or creative skills, we would love to hear from you if you have any spare time. 

The productions will take place on 17th and 18th July. Parents/ carers to arrive at 6pm. Chidren will be given an earlier time of 5pm to get into their costumes etc.

We hope that you all have a fantastic, restful weekend - especially all of the dads/ step dads/ male role models - enjoy your special day.

Mrs Witherall, Mrs Devlin and Mrs O'Connor

Friday 7 June 2024

 Friday 7th June 2024

Happy Friday, everyone!

Wow! What a great way to end the first week back with everyone wearing their best rockstar outfits, and rocking their times tables. We've all had a thoroughly enjoyable time. Keep an eye out for all the great pictures that will be included in this week's newsletter.


This week we'd like the children to continue to practise their tables on Times Table Rockstars and their spellings on SpellingFrame.

The Book Fair is visiting Tuesday 18th to Friday 21st June

Book Fair Competitions

To be in with a chance to win a £5 voucher for the Book Fair, we are holding some competitions for you to enter.

There are 5 vouchers up for grabs so 5 competitions are running.

They are:

Competition 1: Everyone - Design a new wand and include a description explaining what it is made from.

Competition 2: EYFS/ KS1 - Design a new front cover for your favourite book.

Competition 3: KS2 -  Design a new front cover for your favourite book.

Competition 4: EYFS/ KS1 - Design a bookmark.

Competition 5: KS2 - The most words read on Accelerated Reader the week before (these will be checked by Miss Harvey in school).

These can be done on paper and given to Miss Harvey or you can even use Google Drive to create your entry digitally. You  can enter more than one competition as long as it is for your phase.

All competition entries to be in by Wednesday 12th June and the winner will be announced in assembly on Friday 14th June.

Winners will receive a certificate, £5 voucher for the book fair and their name will be entered to win a special prize at the end of the term.

The Book fair is running from Tuesday 18th to Friday 21st June and there is a 3 for 2 offer so please come along to support the school.

School Library The members of the school Book Club, 'Starbooks' have been making some fabulous bookmarks to sell to raise funds for our new library. These will be for sale throughout Book Fair week and prices range from 50p to £1.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall and Mrs O'Connor

Friday 17 May 2024



Happy Friday everyone!

We have had a busy week here in Year 5/6.

SATs Week

This week, children in Year 6 have completed their SATs tests.  They were tested in grammar, punctuation and spelling, reading and maths. They approached the tests with maturity and resilience and tried their absolute best. We are so proud of them.  

Isle of Wight

With SATs out of the way, we can now look forward to our trip to the Isle of Wight.  A letter was sent out this week, but here is a reminder of everything the children will need to bring with them.


  • Trainers/shoes for the activities and trips
  • Socks (must have ankle socks to wear on the activities)
  • Underwear
  • Nightwear
  • T-shirts
  • Jumpers/tracksuit tops (must have long sleeved tops for activities
  • Tracksuit bottoms/combat type trousers for activities.  Jeans cannot be worn for activities, but can be brought for the afternoon/evening visits)
  • Children to travel in clothing of their choice with sensible footwear for the Mary Rose visit
  • Towels (don't give them your best ones!)
  • Toiletries in a toiletry bag (no spray products e.g. deodorant, hair spray etc.  No hair gel, or make-up. This will be confiscated by the adults if children bring them)
  • Small backpack for the offsite trips
  • Insect repellent, lip balm (not coloured) and sun cream.
  • Purse or wallet
  • A keyring for their room key
  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • A suitcase/holdall that they can carry/drag
  • A packed lunch to eat at The Mary Rose

This needs to be given to Miss Wakefield on the Monday of departure.  Please put your child's name on the medication with instructions regarding when and how often it is to be administered.  All medication provided needs to be new, unopened bottles/packets.
EXTRA ITEMS TO BRING (these are optional)

Books/magazines/puzzle books
Card games e.g. Uno/Boggle!
Disposable cameras



The children have £20 which will be issued to them during the course of the week.
Please do not give your child any extra money as this will be unfair to others and will be confiscated by adults.

Finally, we would like to say a big  thank you to Year 5, who have been so supportive of their peers this week.
They have adapted brilliantly to the change in timetable and learning in the hall rather than the classrooms. In addition to this, they have also worked hard undertaking their own assessments.   All staff who have worked with them have commented on how well-behaved they have been and how hard they have worked for them.  Well done Year 5 and thank you!

As the children have completed assessments this week, homework is spellings, which have been set on Spellingframe, and tables practice on TTRS. 

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!  
Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Nottage

Friday 10 May 2024

 Friday 10th May 2024

Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz Blog for Year 5/6 - Friday 10th May 2024

Happiest of Fridays to you all. The week has been a short one, but we have managed to cram lots into our timetable. Year 5 have had more time to write their Just So Stories and are now beginning to see that they are nearly ready to have them 'published' - we can't wait to share some of these with you when they are completed.

Year 6 have worked exceptionally hard revising with a strong focus on timing in preparation for next week's SATs.

SATs breakfast 

All Year 6 are invited to join us each morning from 8 - we just need the form completed that was sent home last week. This will provide all of the children with the opportunity to relax and calm any nerves. This is free for the children. Could you please bring them to the hall, using the side door in the front car park.


Year 5 have homework set on Google Classroom.
Year 6 have had their homework shared with them and is as follows:
Wishing you all a lovely, sunny weekend. Mrs Witherall, Mrs Devlin, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Nottage.