Friday 12th July 2024
Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz. Year 5/6 Friday 12th July 2024
Happy Friday to all. We have all been working our socks off this week!
Year 5 have been enjoying looking at Alice in Wonderland this week, disecting some of the poetry and creating persuasive writing. They have enjoyed creating their Maya masks and we hope that you enjoyed looking at some of them in open evening this Thursday.
Year 6 have been working exceptionally hard to rehearse their performance, The Lion King, which we can't wait to show you next week.
Lion King Arrangements
The performance for adults will be from 6pm on Wednesday and Thursday next week. You may enter through the front car park doors.
We are hoping that it will take 1 and a half hours, with our PTA kindly offering an interval half-way through. There will be refreshments and cake, so please bring cash to support our fundraising for future events for the school.
Children will need to go home at normal time and return at the office 4:30pm to change into their costumes and have their faces painted on both nights.
Children not turning up can cause some disruptions to the performance, therefore, if you know that your child will not be attending, please let Mrs Witherall know ASAP, thank you.
Shoe Share
We are raising money for UNICEF by taking part in the Shoeshare scheme with Clarks of Rayleigh. So, please search your cupboards for old pairs of shoes that you no longer need! Send them to school and we will do the rest. Shoes need to be in pairs and of a wearable condition. Money will be used by UNICEF to support education projects around the world. Every child has the right to an education (A28 &29 UNCRC) and as a Gold Rights Respecting School we are proud to be supporting UNICEF with this project.
Reading Books
In preparation for next year, we will be collecting in all reading books on Wednesday 17th July. If you know you will be away before this date, please hand in your reading book before this date. We would encourage you all to take part in the summer reading scheme at the library during the holidays to help keep up your child's reading fluency during the 6 week break.
We would like to thank you all for your hard work in supporting your child with their homework this year. We have returned their homework books to them and are asking for them to be returned again this year.
If there are some pages left, please work through them at your own pace. The maths homework book is also a useful tool for looking back over the ideas we have covered this year as a reminder during the summer holidays so your child does not get too rusty over the 6 weeks off.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Best wishes
Mrs Witherall, Mrs O'Connor and Mrs Devlin