Friday 14 June 2024

Friday 14th June 2024

 Friday 14th June 2024

Year 5/6 Blog 14.6.24

Happy Friday everyone! What a busy week we have all had. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Sweyne and Fitzwimarc came to visit our Year 6 pupils to make sure that they knew what to expect in the upcoming months. 

On Thursday, the children had a wonderful time visiting the Hindu Mandir in Neesden. We are proud to say that they were alll well behaved and represented our school beautifully. I think we all agreed that it was an incredible piece of our culture to see and learn about - the children were amazed to see the detailed architecture and decoration. Please feel free to take a look around if you get a chance, to enter, it is free. There is only a small charge to visit the exhibition.

Today the children took part in the Race for Life. Most of our Year 5/6 children went around more than the expected amount. Thank goodness the rain held off to allow them all to achieve this for people we care so much about. Thank you for the many kind donations made - please see the newsletter for an update of money raised and some fabulous pictures.

Next Week

On Monday, we have an online Police Positive Action Roadshow to highlight and give information on Values vs Violence and Dreams & Aspirations. 

Year 6 will be holding a cake sale to raise money for their Leavers' Books. They are £1 each cake. 

Home work has been set on Google Classroom. 

Production - The Lion King

We are looking forward to continuing our rehearsals for Year 6. We shall send home a list of costumes/ clothing/ props for the roles and would appreciate any help providing these. Should anyone be able to offer some artistic or creative skills, we would love to hear from you if you have any spare time. 

The productions will take place on 17th and 18th July. Parents/ carers to arrive at 6pm. Chidren will be given an earlier time of 5pm to get into their costumes etc.

We hope that you all have a fantastic, restful weekend - especially all of the dads/ step dads/ male role models - enjoy your special day.

Mrs Witherall, Mrs Devlin and Mrs O'Connor