Happy Bank Holiday Weekend everyone.
Please remember that there is no need to set your alarms for Monday morning!
Thank you to all of the Year 6 parents who have ordered a hoodie for their child. You have been amazingly swift with your order and I am ready to send the form to the hoodie company for printing. They will arrive in time for the Isle of Wight trip.
Please also remember to let me know, if you haven't already, whether your child will be joining us for breakfast during SATs week. They do not have to come everyday, I just needed a rough idea of numbers so that I could order enough cereal etc.
SATs week beging on Tuesday 9th May. Please ensure your child attends school every day during that week and avoid making any appointments for them in the mornings.
If you have any questions regarding SATs week or the upcoming Isle of Wight Trip, please contact us via the 5/6 email address and a member of staff will get back to you.
Miss Sharman
This week in Year 5/6 we have begun our new project on Ancient Greece. The children have enjoyed reading the story of Pandora's Box and have written apology letters from Pandora to Zeus.
In maths, children in Year 6 have continued with their revision for SATs and year 5 have moved on from working with fractions, decimals and percentages and have begun learning to measure and estimate angles. They have thoroughly enjoyed using protractors and playing Alien Angles at the end of lessons.
Next week, we begin our Coronation Celebrations as we prepare to officially welcome King Charles III as our new monarch next weekend.
Have a lovely long weekend. Let's hope the sun continues to shine!
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall