Happy Friday everyone!
Woo hoo, another bank holiday folks! We would like to wish you all a lovely Coronation Weekend.
There is no homework this week for Year 5/6. We would like the children to spend the weekend enjoying any celebrations you are taking part in and making memories with their families.
We have thoroughly enjoyed our day today. EYFS acted out the Coronation in assembly this morning. At lunchtime, children enjoyed a picnic lunch and proudly wore the crowns they had put together in class. This afternoon, we had an extra assembly where each phase performed a song. Year 5/6 sang 'I Just Can't Wait To Be King', from The Lion King.
A great day was had by all.
Please remember that next week is SATs week for the Year 6 children. Please ensure your child is at school every day and arrives on time each morning. If your child is joining us for breakfast, please drop them at the main entrance (car park). A member of staff will be there to let them in from 8am.
Have a fab weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall