Happy Friday!
It has been lovely to welcome the children back for the second half of the Autumn term.
This week we have been completing our Believe and Achieve writing. The children have planned and written stories about a magic escalator. They have produced some lovely, imaginitive work and demonstrated their understanding of structuring and punctuating stories.
This afternoon we made poppy wreaths in preparation for Remembrance Day, next week.
Dates for your diary
Monday 13th - Thursday 16th November - Topaz Class Bikeability
Friday 17th November - INSET Day.
Monday 20th - Thursday 23rd November - Sapphire Class Bikeability
Tuesday 21st November - Flu Immunisations
Thursday 23rd November - Individual School Photographs
Thursday 30th November - Rayleigh Lights
We like to encourage the children in Year 5 and 6 to access their homework independently via Google Classroom. We understand that this can sometimes be challenging for children who lack confidence in using technology.
Therefore, we have decided to add a link to the homework pages for parents. You can find this week's homework pages here.
Periscope Making
Next week, we will be making periscopes in Science. For this, we need as many cereal boxes as possible. If you have any at home that you could donate, please send them in with your child on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend. Enjoy the fireworks!
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall