Happy Friday everyone!
This week in Year 5 and 6 we enjoyed taking part in Mental Health Day. During the course of the day, we spent time completing relaxing, mindfulness activities. Children played rounders, did art and crafts, played boardgames and some even did some knitting!
A Message From Miss Harvey
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Harry Potter Book Day event! It was very busy but it was lovely to see so many people attend.
We didn't have time to fit everything in so here is a link to the activities should you want to have a go at them or finish your drawings and of course for anyone else who did not attend. At the end of the video, there are some spells and it shows you how you use your wand to cast them which looks really fun!
Miss Harvey
Children from Topaz and Sapphire class have brought home a letter with the date of their Bikeability course. A third session for Ruby Class will be booked as soon as a slot is available.
Homework has been uploaded to Google Classroom
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall