Happy Friday everyone!
This week in Year 5 and 6 we have been writing recounts from the point of view of the crew of Ernest Shackleton's ship. The children have enjoyed getting into character and imagining what life would have been like in Antarctica.
We didn't get to make our periscopes in science, but are hoping to do so next week. If you still have some cereal boxes at home, please could you send them in with your child on Monday.
Today, we held a Remembrance Assembly, where Mrs Morgan played The Last Post and Mr Jude explained the importance of Armistice Day. The children were very respectful during the minute of silence we held. We would like to thank Mr Jude and Mrs Morgan for delivering such a lovely assembly.
Year 6 children in Topaz Class will be taking part in their Bikeability sessions. Their bikes must be in good working order. Please check brakes, tyres and seat height this weekend. Children need to walk their bikes into school on Monday and leave them outside the Year 5/6 classrooms. If they do not wish to take them home at the end of each day, Miss Sharman will lock them away, safely, overnight.
Girls may bring a pair of leggings and trainers to change into if they wish.
If the instructors do not feel that the children are competent enough at riding inside the school grounds, they will not allow them to continue the course as this takes place out on the local roads.
Don't forget that there is an INSET day on Friday 17th November.
Homework pages for this week can be found here
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall