Saturday, 8 July 2023


Hello everyone!

We really hope you enjoyed Sports Day, yesterday, especially those of you for whom it will be the last one.  

Don't forget that it is our Leavers Assembly on 19th.  If you have not returned the reply slip, please do so as soon as possible.

Mrs Witherall has asked that Year 6 return to school between 5:15pm and 5:30pm, in order for them to get changed and ready for the performance.

Important Dates

14th July - Non-uniform day

14th July - Reports out to parents

17th July - Year 6 Pizza Party - more information to follow

19th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly

21st July - Last day of term


We have been asked to share the following information regarding the Class Photos that were taken recently:

Dear Parent/Carer,
Your recent Group photograph is now ready to view and purchase at
There will be a free “deliver to school” option open for approximately 7 days, otherwise home delivery is available for £5 postage and packing.
If you need assistance, please call 01736 751555 (option 5) or click on contact us on the home page .
Many thanks,
Tempest Photography   

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall