Friday, 14 July 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

Next week is the last week of the school year and we are getting ready to say a fond farewell to our Year 6 children.

Year 6 should have brought home an invitation to our Hawaiian themed pizza party which will take place after school on Monday.  Please ask them to bring their reply slips into school with them on Monday morning if they have not done so already.

Thank you to everyone who has returned their slip, booking seats for Wednesday evening's leavers assembly.  Again, if you have not returned yours yet, please do so on Monday.


Children in Year 5 and 6 will have brought home their end of year reports today.  For children in Year 6, this also includes their SATs results.  When reading their results please note the Scaled Score they received as well as their level.  Children who gained 100 or more as a scaled score are working within the level expected for a child of their age.  Children achieving 110 or more are working at greater depth.


We are once again holding a collection for Shoeshare so now is the time to start rummaging around your cupboards for old shoes that don't fit or you no longer wear!  Shoeshare is a collaboration between UNICEF and Clarks Shoes which works towards improving Children's Rights around the world.  More than £1.6 million pounds has been raised by Shoeshare to help ensure that children all around the world have access to quality education.  

You can read more about the scheme here.

It's hard to believe that together we can make such a huge difference by the very simple act of sorting out our shoes but we really can, and every contribution does help.  Shoes need to be in pairs and if possible held together with an elastic band.  There will be a drop off point at the office or you can just send shoes in with your child at any point during the last week of term.  

Thanks in advance for your continued support in helping our children to learn about sustainability, the wider world that we live in and how to care for others. 
RRS:  Every child has the right to an education and to a clean and healthy environment.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall