Year 5/6 Blog - Friday 10th March 2023
Happy Friday once again. This half-term seems to be flying by!
We have had a rather exciting week this week. The children have been exploring persuasive writing and even managed to persuade us that baking Victorian shortbread was a good idea. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all this morning. Let's hope that some of them even got shared 😊
Year 6 have been exploring fractions further, adding, subtracting, multiplying them by another fraction and whole numbers. Year 5 have been finding fractions of amounts and will continue with this next week.
Times Tables Rock Stars Day
This Thursday the children looked fabulous in their outfits. They took part in a times table battle and enjoyed listening to and singing rock songs for music. We would like to say a big well done to Isla and Archer, who took part in a 'live battle' against Mrs Hurley and Mr Greenfield. Congratulations to Archer, who was the winner!
Homework for all three classes was handed out and is available to view on Google Classrooms. They also have spellings set on Spellingframe.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall