Happy Friday everyone!
Thank you to those of you who attended our Parent Overview meeting on Wednesday. If you were unable to come along, your child should have brought home a copy of the slides used in the presentation. If you have any questions, please email year5_6@downhallprimary.com
Children found out today whether they have been successful in being selected to be part of our football and High 5 netball teams. Congratulations to all of those who were chosen by Mr Harrington, Mr Rush and Miss Coombes. Well done to everyone who put themselves forward and took part in the trials.
Clubs start on Monday. There are still spaces in Tag Rugby. Children have been learning to play during PE lessons. We are due to take part in a tournament this term. It would be lovely to be able to select children from the club as well as from lessons. If your child wishes to join, please contact Mr Harrington.
On Thursday, we were fortunate enough to have The Young Shakespeare Company come into school and perform Macbeth for the children in Year 5 and 6. The children (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed it.
We are currently learning about Shakespeare in our English lessons and have written a review of the play and designed a poster to go with it in school today.
On Thursday we will be holding our House Captain elections. If your Year 6 child would like to apply for the role, they need to write a speech stating why they should be chosen and prepare a poster to put on display. Children will then cast their votes on Thursday afternoon.
Good luck to all of the children who are applying.
Homework has been uploaded to Google Classroom. It is the children's responsibility to log into their classroom page and find the pages set each week.
- 'able' and 'ible' words on Spellingframe.
- Year 5 GPS- Foundation - Pages 88 and 89 Targeted - Pages 82 and 83
- Year 5 Maths - Foundation - Page 11 Targeted - Page 11
- Year 6 GPS - Foundation - Pages 84 and 85 Targeted - Pages 82 and 83
- Year 6 Maths - Foundation - 2 to 6 (including page 6 - place value) Targeted - Pages 2 to 6 (including page 6 - place value)