Friday, 2 December 2022


Dear Parents/Carer

Happy Friday!

This week, children in Ruby and Topaz completed their Bikeability course.  Well done to everyone across all three classes who took part.  Badges and certificates will be awareded soon.

There have been lots of sporting events this week.  Children have taken part in football, dodgeball and high 5 netball.  We are, as always, extremely proud of how our children conduct themselves at matches and tournaments and are delighted with how well they represent the school.  Well done everyone.

Children also received their flu immunisations this week.  If your child missed their immunisation, we would encourage you to get them booked in with your local health care provider.

Next week.......

Brrrrr!  According to the Year 5/6 weather expert (Mrs Devlin) the weather is likely to turn even colder next week.  Please ensure that your child brings a jumper/cardigan and a warm coat for playtimes and lunchtimes.  Scarves, gloves and hats are also encouraged.

CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY - A message from Mrs Yuille

Our Christmas Jumper Day is Friday 9th December.  On this day, the children can wear their fabulous festive jumpers and make a £1 donation which goes to our continued sponsorship of Thoko.  The charity Action Aid use this money to ensure that Thoko and the other children in her community enjoy their right to an education, just like all of us at Down Hall!  

Homework has been uploaded to Google Classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall