Friday, 9 September 2022

Welcome back!

 Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back.  We hope that you all had a lovely summer and managed to enjoy the sunshine.

It has been wonderful to see the children return to Year 5 and 6 with such positive attitudes to their learning and with huge smiles on their faces.  We hope that they have enjoyed their first week.  We certainly have!

Next Wednesday, we have our Parent Overview Meeting.  It is an opportunity for parents to come into school and receive information on life in Year 5 and 6.  If you would like to attend, please come to the car park entrance at 2:30pm on Wednsday 14th.  Someone will be there to greet you and bring you along to Sapphire Class.

Homework books have been delivered and will be sent out next week.  You will receive information regarding homework in the meeting on Wednesday.  In the meantime, please ask your child to check their school gmail account and join the invitation to their new Google Classroom page.  This will be where details of homework will be posted from next week.

Please can we request that you make sure all clothing and water bottles are labelled with your child's name. Children are bringing 'Air Up' bottles to school, which are rather expensive and often look the same.  We would hate for parents to have spent money on them over the holidays only for them to become lost or taken home by the wrong child.

Today, in Year 5 and 6, we spent some time marking the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.  The children were extremely respectful and made sensible, and often heartfelt contributions to our discussions.  They are in the process of producing some work which we hope they will look back on in the future as a reminder of the sad, yet historic time we are currently living in.  

Have a restful weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall