Happy Friday folks!
This week, in Year 5 and 6 we completed our work honouring the late Queen Elizabeth II. Children have produced some lovely work and written some thoughtful letters in her memory. We are both impressed and proud of the respectful way they have behaved during this time.
In English this week, we have been working on improving our sentences and learning the technical terms for sentence types of ways to link them together.
In maths, we have continued working on all four number operations. Year 5 will continue with place value and negative numbers next week and Year 6 will begin working with fractions.
Homework pages have been posted to Google Classroom this afternoon. Please ask you child to log onto their classroom page and check the timetable carefully.
It would be helpful, for teacher, if you could make sure that your child hands their homework in by Wednesday, each week. This makes it easier for us to get the books marked and returned to the children in time for them to bring them home again on Fridays.
HAPPY'S CIRCUS - A Message from the PTA
The circus is coming to Down Hall NEXT WEEK (Wednesday 28th). This was a huge hit when it visited last time and we cannot wait to welcome it back. Happy's is a professional, all human, touring circus. They bring the Big Top and fill it with magic, acrobatics, aerialists and so much more! Plus, there will be hot food and refreshments on the night too, with both alcoholic and soft beverages available. So why not get there early and make a whole evening of it (it will save you cooking dinner!)?!
By attending the circus, not only will you be getting an evening of entertainment for the whole family, you will also be helping to raise funds for your child's school.
Tickets available on the door or in advance from the PTA.
Don't forget that if you ever have any questions for your child's teacher, we can be contacted via the Year 5/6 email address at:
Have a fab weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall