We hope you have had a lovely week. It certainly has been a busy one here in Year 5 and 6.
Holocaust Memorial Day
Calling all of you amazing mathematicians!
You have been entered into the East of England Sumdog Competition. It starts on 31st Januaryat 3.30pm, and finishes at 3.30pm on 6th February.
Why not have a go and get your class on the school leaderboard?
I will be monitoring how well each class is doing. The winning class will get extra playtime!
Let's show our school what great mathematicians we are!
Good luck.
Mrs Hurley
In Computing lessons later on this half term, the children will be programming circuits to design a fairground ride. In order for the children to make these rides, we ask that any cardboard, yoghurt pots etc can be brought into the school. This would be greatly appreciated.
Monday 10th February - Year 5/6 trip to the Globe Theatre, London
Friday 14th February - PTA Wear Red for Valentine’s Day
Friday 14th February - Last Day of Term
Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February - Half Term Holiday
Monday 24th February - INSET Day (school closed)
Tuesday 25th February - Return to School
Year 5 Pg 22-23
Year 6 Pg 36-37
Year 5 Pg 67
Year 6 Pg 96-98
Please also ensure that your child is regularly:
- Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading record to take home.
- Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down. This week we are up to Spelling rule 52
- Times table practise - next week we are back to multiplying and dividing 12’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
- TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practice on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details.