Friday, 8 November 2024

Year 5/6 Blogpost 8.11.24

Happy Friday and welcome back from half term. We hope you all had a great break.  This week, the children have focused on writing a science fiction text. The children have analysed the features and will be putting these features into their writing later next week. We look forward to reading them.


Could we please remind you that children need to bring in a coat. The temperature starting to drop and we are still noticing a number of children who are not bringing a coat to school. Please make sure these coats are also named.

Sports Letters

Just a gentle reminder that if your child is invited to participate in an event, please ensure that you complete the Google Form that is sent via text to you. If your child is unable to participate, please still complete the form as soon as you can. This will allow us to give other children an opportunity to fill in this place. We appreciate your continued support.

Year 5 Pg 19 (Prime numbers and Factors)
Year 6 Pg 12 (Mental Maths)
Year 5 Pg 64 (Punctuating speech into 2 parts)
Year 6 Pg 59 (Punctuating speech)

If they should have a burning desire, it would benefit their minds to dip into any of the following:

  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down. This week we are up to Spelling rule 44 - Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in –fer
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 7’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practice on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo.

See you soon!

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall