Happy Friday everyone!
This week in Year 5/6 we have begun reading The Hobbit and have been looking at how authors use language to infer character traits. Next week, we will be writing a 'missing chapter' for the novel.
In maths, Year 5 have been learning about fractions. They have learnt to multiply fractions and have been surprised how easy it is to do!
Year 6 have been working hard to complete a past SATs paper in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling. We are all very proud of the effort they have put in and how hard they have worked.
Please make sure that you read our newsletter, as there are a few exciting things coming up, next week.
On Wednesday, we are hosting our yearly coin run competition. Please send your child with any spare change you have. They may also wear something red along with their usual school uniform.
On Friday, we will be having a mental health and well being day. Children can wear comfy clothes and will take part in mindful activities during the day. Please note - there will not be any donations needed for children to come to school in non uniform.
After half term, we will be hosting a talk for parents of Year 6 children, explaining the SATs assessment process which will take place in May. The talk will take place in the school hall at 2:30pm on Wednesday 28th February. If you are unable to attend, a copy of the slides will be sent home with your child.
On Wednesday 13th March, there will be another talk in the school hall regarding the Isle of Wight trip.
Year 6 parents of children who are going on this year's residential visit are invited to join the staff who will also be on the trip, in the school hall from 2:30pm. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to find out about the types of activities their child will take part in, the visits we go on and what children need to pack.
Again, if you are unable to attend, the slides from the presentation will be sent home with your child. If you have any questions regarding SATs or the Isle of Wight trip, please contact us on the Year 5/6 email, catch a member of staff on the gate or email the school office.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall