Friday, 31 March 2023


Happy Friday everyone!  Where on earth did this term go?  It doesn't seem that long ago we were wishing you all a Merry Christmas and now, here we are, wishing you a Happy Easter!


On Monday, Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a trip to Barleylands.  We were extremely lucky with the weather and were able to enjoy lots of the outdoor activities.  The children's behaviour was exceptional.  Year 5 and 6 would like to give a huge thank you to Miss Langley for organising such a fun and educational day out and to all the parents and carers who gave up their time to come along.

Looking ahead......

WIth the Easter holidays now upon us, we are beginning to think ahead to the Summer Term.  

SATs Week 2023

This year, SATs week runs from Tuesday 9th - Friday 12th May.  We would like to invite children in Year 6 to come into school from 8am during SATs week for a light breakfast of cereal, toast, yoghurt and juice. We have offered this to our Year 6 children in the past.  They have enjoyed having the opportunity to meet with friends, have breakfast and ease any nerves before the tests.  

Please be reminded that all Year 6 children are expected to attend school every day during SATs week.

Easter Homework

Your child will have brought home some Easter maths and English homework. This should be completed across the two weeks and returned to your child's class teacher by the Wednesday of the first week back.

Isle of Wight 2024

Children in Year 5 will have brought home a letter regarding their Isle of Wight trip next year. We have provisionally booked the trip and would encourage you to return the reply slip attached to the letter as soon as possible, after Easter.
If you have any questions regarding the trip, please email Miss Sharman or Mrs Devlin via the Year 5/6 address or pop in to see Miss Wakefield/Miss Sharman at either 9am or 2.30pm on Tuesday 18th April.

Have a wonderful Easter break. We look forward to welcoming the children back for the Summer Term,

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 24 March 2023


Year 5/6 Blog - Friday 24th March 

Dear Parents/ Carers

The wind has blown us straight to the end of another week. We have been very busy as it has been assessment week. This means that there will be no homework this week (I hope the children aren't too upset😊).
The Year 6 children will be doing their maths assessments next week, so have brought home an arithmetic paper to complete. This week, they have been working hard to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. 
We are all very excited to go to Barleylands on Monday. 

Barleylands Trip

  • On Monday the gates will open at 8:30am and close at 8:45am. The coaches are leaving at 9:00am prompt so please make sure you get here for 8:30am - set those alarms!
  • Children need to be in normal school uniform although you can wear comfortable footwear or footwear that takes the weather conditions into account.
  • Children need to bring a packed lunch and a filled water bottle. This needs to be clearly labelled. It will be easier for the children if this is all in a disposable bag that can be thrown away at the end of lunchtime.
  • No money or anything else needs to be brought in on this day.

Have a lovely weekend - see you at 8:30am on Monday!

Best wishes

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 17 March 2023

🔴 Friday 17th March 2023


Year 5/6 Blog - Friday 17th March 2023

Happy Friday everyone! We have had a lovely week writing to persuade. The children have created their very own 'Homework Helpers' to ensure that they can spend more time doing the things that they love...if only dreams came true!

In maths this week, year 5 have continued to explore fractions. This week, they have been finding the whole of an amount. To reinforce their learning this week, we would like them to log into and explore the games. The login details have been posted on Google Classroom.

Year 6 have also been working with fractions. We have looked at common multiples in order to convert the fractions so that they are easier to compare and order.

Red Nose Day 🔴

Thank you for all of the donations today.
The children looked great in their red and non-uniforms today. They all took part in some Red Nose Day activities and watched an assembly to understand the importance of raising some money. Discussions were held, linking the rights the children have met on a daily basis in comparison to the limitations others may have. We looked at how these projects help children to achieve the rights of the UNCRC and you can read the pocket book of rights HERE.

Odd Socks Day for Down Syndrome Day - Tuesday 21st March.

As stated in the newsletter, we are asking our children to come to school on Tuesday in aid of Down Syndrome Day wearing odd socks. There is no donation required on this day.

Mother's Day Sale

We would like to say a massive thank you to the PTA for organising and running the Mother's Day Sale today. Many of the children went home very excited to present their gifts with love this Sunday.

Hoping that you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 10 March 2023



Year 5/6 Blog - Friday 10th March 2023

Happy Friday once again. This half-term seems to be flying by!

We have had a rather exciting week this week. The children have been exploring persuasive writing and even managed to persuade us that baking Victorian shortbread was a good idea. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all this morning. Let's hope that some of them even got shared 😊

Year 6 have been exploring fractions further, adding, subtracting, multiplying them by another fraction and whole numbers. Year 5 have been finding fractions of amounts and will continue with this next week. 

Times Tables Rock Stars Day

This Thursday the children looked fabulous in their outfits. They took part in a times table battle and enjoyed listening to and singing rock songs for music. We would like to say a big well done to Isla and Archer, who took part in a 'live battle' against Mrs Hurley and Mr Greenfield. Congratulations to Archer, who was the winner!

Homework for all three classes was handed out and is available to view on Google Classrooms. They also have spellings set on Spellingframe.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 3 March 2023

Year 5/6 Blog -  Friday 3rd March 2023

We welcome another happy Friday here in Year 5/6 this week. The children have been very busy in English writing a review of the performance that they watched last Friday. When looking through their reviews, it is clear that they really enjoyed their afternoon. Throughout maths, Year 5 have been multiplying fractions and converting their answers into mixed numbers. Year 6 have been revising the four operations, using their lesson time to ensure that questions are clearly presented so that they can spot where they are making simple mistakes. 


All pages are on the children's Google classroom page and copies of the Arithmetic papers have been sent out with them today. The children also have spellings to practise on Spellingframe - passwords and logins have been given.

Musical Instrument Lessons

On Monday's assembly this week we were lucky to be joined by James Abel from Front Row Music. We are pleased to announce that Front Row Music will be offering guitar, keyboard and ukulele lessons at Down Hall Primary School!

All instruments are provided and lessons cost £7.00 and are 30 minutes long. The children learn together in small groups focusing on music that they will know and love. For more information and details on how to book lessons please follow the link below.

Front Row Music

Times Tables Rock Stars Day

A reminder that next week, on Thursday 9th March, we would like all the children to take the opportunity to dress up as rock stars for the day. During this day, they will take part in a range of maths activities. Prizes for the best-dressed rock star will be handed out. You do not need to bring a donation on this day.

World Book Day - Thursday 4th March

Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day at Down Hall! Our aim, as teachers, was to promote a love of reading and it was so lovely to see the children bring in their favourite books to share in class with each other. It was also fantastic to see children and staff dressing up. Some of the children enjoyed creating group stories that included a rather strange selection of details too!

We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

Kind Regards.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall and Miss Parsons.