It's the end of another week- happy Friday everyone! The children have been working hard researching Queen Victoria in line with our project - Victorian Britain. We have continued to work on character and setting descriptions when writing a narrative in English. In year 5, we have continued to explore statistics, and year 6 have been exploring shapes.
The children's Maths and English homework has been set on Google Classrooms. They have also been asked to log into their Spellingframe accounts to practise some of their spellings (passwords have been handed out and children have been using them in school, so should know their login details).
As you may have noticed, we are taking part in Cross Country in PE. This week, many children went home covered in mud. Next week, if your child would like to bring in a second pair of (old) trainers to change into, specifically for Cross Country then please feel free to send them in.
On Wednesday, 24th January, a group of children will be performing in The Primary Dance Festival at The Palace Theatre in Southend.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall and Miss Parsons