Friday, 7 October 2022

 Dear Parents/Carers

Happy Friday! We hope that you have all had a good week. As we move into October, the weather is becoming more autumnal so please ensure that your child has a coat with them every day. 

Parent/Teacher Consultations

On Monday 17th October & Tuesday 18th October between 3:30-6:00pm we will be holding our Parent/Teacher Consultations. This will be an opportunity to meet and discuss how your child has settled into their new Year group. This meeting can be either via Zoom or an in person meeting. 

Please note, in the first instance if you wish this to be a Zoom meeting please book for the Monday and if you wish it to be in person please book for the Tuesday.

Bookings can be made from Monday 10th October from 9:00am and is via Scopay. If you are unsure of your Scopay login, please go and see the office as they will be able to issue you with your details. It is important to have these details as they will be used to book trips, dinner money and meetings throughout your child's time at Down Hall.

Harvest Collection

Just a reminder that this year we will continue to support Rochford Extended Services with our Harvest collection. Donations will be boxed up and distributed by them to the children and families that need them most within our own local community.

As a Gold Level Rights Respecting School, we do our best to advocate for Children's Rights and for sustainability. Articles 24 and 27 state that:

"Every child has the right to the best possible health and a good standard of living."

Massive thank you for those who have already made a donations but there is still plenty of time if you have not yet. If you can send in any non-perishable items before Wednesday 19th October that would be fabulous and you can find a full list of suggested items  here. In school we will celebrate Harvest during the week of 17th October with some learning in class and by singing our favourite Harvest song in assembly. Please enjoy having a go at the Harvest Samba here and thanks for any contributions you feel able to make.

NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe

On Tuesday 11th October, Year 5/6 children will have the opportunity to take part in some workshops run by volunteers from the NSPCC.


Homework pages for this week have been uploaded to Google Classroom. Please ensure that the children only do the pages set as this reinforces skills taught during the week. Homework is due in by Wednesday of the following week, in order for teachers to have time to mark it and return it to them on Fridays.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Devlin, Miss Sharman and Mrs Witherall