Friday 13 May 2022


Dear Parents and Carers

Happy Friday!  

As you know, this week has been SATs week for our Year 6 children.  They have worked hard and tackled the tests brilliantly.  We are very proud of them.

SATs week always seems to be the biggest week in the Year 6 calendar.  Now that it is out of the way, we are looking ahead to the next event, which is, of course The Isle of Wight trip.

This week, children in Year 6 brought home a letter with details of the trip, departure times and important items to pack.  If you did not receive the letter or have misplaced it, a copy can be found here.

Please note that spending money should be handed to Mrs Devlin, no later than Monday 16th May.  This should consist of £20 in the following denominations (3 x £5 notes and 5 x £1 coins).  This is so that children can be given £5 per day to spend. Please ignore the combination of notes and coins asked for in the letter.  If your child has already brought their money in, don't worry, we will sort it out.

Year 5 children have also completed assessments this week.  They have been sensible and mature in their approach to their tests and have been supportive of their Year 6 classmates.  Well done Year 5.  You are a credit to the school!

As a treat, for the end of assessments, we spent Thursday afternoon on the school field enjoying the sunshine.  We played rounders, football and other games.  The children (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  

After such a busy week, we would like to wish you and your children a lovely, relaxing weekend.  Let's hope the lovely weather continues.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall