Friday 29 April 2022

Dear Parents/Carers 

Happy Friday, everybody! It has been a busy week in Year 5/6. The children have been working hard to make preparations for the upcoming weeks.

Congratulations to the children  in Topaz who successfully passed their Bikeability course. Well done to the Play Leaders who have also completed their training this week and will begin organising lunchtime games for the younger children from Tuesday. 

Thank you to all parents for attending the SATs meeting on Wednesday. Copies of the slides have been sent home with the children for parents/carers that were unable to make it. 

Homework for Year 6 is to continue to revise using the pack given to them before the Easter holidays and homework books if they have them at home. If they have completed this, they can use the links that have been posted for Year 5 homework on the Google Classroom pages.

We would like to wish a happy Eid for those that are celebrating over the bank holiday and hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin & Mrs Witherall