Friday, 29 April 2022

Dear Parents/Carers 

Happy Friday, everybody! It has been a busy week in Year 5/6. The children have been working hard to make preparations for the upcoming weeks.

Congratulations to the children  in Topaz who successfully passed their Bikeability course. Well done to the Play Leaders who have also completed their training this week and will begin organising lunchtime games for the younger children from Tuesday. 

Thank you to all parents for attending the SATs meeting on Wednesday. Copies of the slides have been sent home with the children for parents/carers that were unable to make it. 

Homework for Year 6 is to continue to revise using the pack given to them before the Easter holidays and homework books if they have them at home. If they have completed this, they can use the links that have been posted for Year 5 homework on the Google Classroom pages.

We would like to wish a happy Eid for those that are celebrating over the bank holiday and hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin & Mrs Witherall

Friday, 22 April 2022

 Dear Parents/Carers

Happy Friday, everybody! We hope you all had a lovely, restful Easter break. How quickly the year has gone and amazingly we find ourselves at the start of the Summer Term!



This will be taking place next week (25th - 28th April) and reminders have been sent out to parents of Year 6 children who are taking part. Your child will need to make sure their bike is in safe working order before the course starts. Girls may bring leggings to change into and all children should wear appropriate shoes e.g. no slip on style pumps.

Year 6 SATs meeting

This will be taking place in the school hall at 3:30pm on Wednesday 27th April. The purpose of the meeting is to inform parents/carers about arrangements for the week and to have an opportunity to look at a sample of SATs questions.

Homework for Year 6 is to continue with the revision set before the Easter holidays. Homework for Year 5 has been posted on the classroom pages.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin & Mrs Witherall

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Happy Easter

 Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to wish you and your families a very happy Easter.

We hope you have all enjoyed the break and we are very much looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday.

Just a couple of quick reminders:

Year 6 Hoodies

Thank you to those of you who have ordered a hoody for your child.  Please be reminded that the shop will close on Friday 22nd April.  Orders cannot be placed after this date.  Please make sure that you order the correct size.  Miss Sharman will check sizes once the shop has closed and will contact you if there are any problems.

Topaz Bikeability

Parents of Year 6 children in Topaz class will receive a text next week about dates for Bikeability.  

Dates are 25th-28th April.  Your child will need to make sure their bike is in safe working order before the course starts.  Girls may bring leggings to change into and all children should wear appropriate shoes e.g. no slip on style pumps.


Year 6 SATs week will commence on 9th May.  More details will be available next week.  Please make sure that your child does not have any appointments in school time during that week.

Once again, have a lovely Easter weekend.  Enjoy the sunshine.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 1 April 2022

 Dear Parents/Carers

Happy Friday, everybody! We hope you have all had a lovely week and are ready for a well-earned break for Easter! The Easter Bunny made a visit this afternoon and left the children with a special gift…

The children in Year 6 have been working hard to prepare for their SATs and have brought home a pack of facts and activities to continue to prepare for both English and Maths. There are page numbers to be completed for year 5 on Google Classroom.

Blue & Yellow Day

We all looked great today and raised much needed money for the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. We focused on how many children in Ukraine are not having their Rights met, including their right to a home (Article 27), their right to be safe from harm (Article 19), and their right to an education (Article 28).

Thank you to Mrs Gittings, who has raised over £300 thanks to her beautiful ribbons. 

Easter Activities in Essex

Please see below a message from Nicola Sparks, our Healthy Schools Engagement officer:

Easter Holiday Activities


ActivAte Holiday Clubs

Essex are pleased to be working in partnership with Active Essex to deliver over 100 Essex ActivAte

holiday clubs across Essex – supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of school aged youngsters!

We have once again extended the offer to provide spaces for those from low-income working families, alongside those who are eligible for benefits based on free school meals.

Find clubs near you and book here:


 Library Activities

There are lots of events and activities taking place in libraries during the Easter holidays.  I would be grateful if you could share the information below with your colleagues, networks and the families you support:

Children’s Author Events – 8 children’s author events with 3 children’s authors are taking

place across the county. Full details and booking information is on our



Big Easter Book Hunt – find golden tickets hidden in library books between 2 and 23 April

to be entered into a prize draw to win a Lenovo Tab M7: Full details on our



Circus at the Library – several libraries are running circus-themed events across the

Easter holidays.  Additionally, Chelmsford Library will be running a circus skills workshop

(booking required and for which there is a charge):

Full details on our website:


Essex Libraries Photo project – we are looking for families to send us photos of them

reading in their favourite places in order to create colourful customer galleries in local

libraries. Full details of how to submit photos can be found on our



Story of the Month – to celebrate the Essex Year of Reading we are launching a virtual

story of the month. The video we share will be accompanied by activity ideas. The March

story is up on our website now:


Bringing Stories to Life – we are hosting some storysack workshops in conjunction with

ACL: Full details and booking information is on our events



Other events and activities – there will also be other family events and activities

taking place at numerous libraries and full details can be found on our events listing

which is searchable by library and by audience:

Have a great break!

We hope you have an ‘egg-citing’ Easter holiday.

Please note our emails will not be monitored until Tuesday 19th April when the children return to school.

Take care

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall.