Friday 25 February 2022


Dear Parents/Carers

The Young Shakespeare Company

On Monday 21st, Year 5 and 6 welcomed The Young Shakespeare Company to Down Hall.  They performed A Midsummer Night's Dream for us and even asked some of the children to play some of the characters.  The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed it.  


On Wednesday, children met our new PE staff and enjoyed a whole afternoon of sport.  There were some achy muscles the next day, which just means they worked hard!

Isle of Wight residential 
Year 6 children who are joining us on The Isle of Wight residential brought a letter home this week inviting parents to a meeting about the trip.  This will take place of Wednesday 23rd March at 3:30pm
We hope to see you there.  Please complete and return the parent consent form which is attached to the letter.

Parent Teacher Consultations
Thank you to everyone who signed up for and attended today's meetings.  As always, it was lovely to see you and discuss your child's progress.  We are extremely proud of our Year 5 and 6 children and always enjoy sharing this with you.

Anglo Saxon Houses
We had some lovely models of Anglo Saxon houses arrive in school after half term.  The children have clearly worked hard on their designs.  We were very impressed with their efforts.  Thank you to all the parents who helped in the construction of the houses.  We hope you enjoyed supporting your children with their task.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall