Dear Parents/Carers
Lots of messages for you this week.
Diary Dates:
Thursday 20th - School funding census day.
Friday 21st - Wear denim for dementia day.
Monday 24th - Deadline for school photo orders.
Next week is Dementia Action Week. We will be holding a Denim for Dementia day on Friday. Children are welcome to come into school wearing something denim with their school uniform. A collection bucket will be available at the gate for donations.
We know that dementia touches the lives of many of our parents, carers and staff and are proud to support such a worthwhile cause. Any donations you are able to make will be hugely appreciated.
Year 6 Parents
We would like to share this interactive workbook to support children transitioning from Year 6 into Year 7. Follow the link to sign your child up. We hope you find it useful.
Interactive Workbook
The Right To Be Heard!
As a Gold Level Rights Respecting School we believe that children's voices should be heard.
Over the next two weeks children aged 6 years and over will be taking part in The Big Ask
survey in school. See this week's newsletter for more details.
Message from Mrs Hurley
Calling all of you amazing mathematicians!
You have been entered into the Sumdog Essex Competition. Taking place 14 - 20 May
I will be monitoring how well each class is doing. The winning class will be announced in the school newsletter and will get to use the BRAND NEW wildflower adventure playground!
Let's show our Down Hall community what great mathematicians we are!
Good luck.
Mrs Hurley 
Phew! What a busy couple of weeks!
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall