Friday 16 April 2021


 Dear Parents/Carers

This week, in Year 5 and 6, we have been writing stories.  We planned one as a class and wrote it together.  The children thoroughly enjoyed it.

In maths, we have been tackling worded problems and questions which require an explanation.

This is a very tricky part of the maths curriculum, but the children have risen to the challenge well.

We have been lucky with the weather today and have been able to spend some time outside this afternoon.  Unlike yesterday when Sapphire Class got caught in a hail storm and got rather wet.

Next week, we are looking forward to continuing with our story writing and will be working on our new science/DT project which we are sure your children will tell you all about.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall