Friday 4 December 2020

Autumn 2 - Week 5

Dear Parents/Carers

This week in Year 5/6, the children have been completing their end of term assessments.  They have all worked hard and tried their best.  Therefore, there will be no homework this week.

We are looking forward to meeting with some of you via Zoom over the next two weeks.  Fingers crossed, technology is on our side.  We are not expecting any problems, however, if any occur either our end or yours, there are still appointments available for 14th and 15th, so please feel free to rebook if needed.  Appointments are limited to 10 minutes.  We will need to stick to a strict time schedule in order to make sure parents are not kept waiting.  If, after your allotted time, you feel you would like more information, please contact us via the 5/6 email address and your child's teacher will call you at a convenient time.

Finally, don't forget Christmas Jumper day on Friday 11th.  Donations should be dropped into the bucket at the gate.  Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.  

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall