Dear Parents/Carers
This week in Year 5 and 6, we have been studying the art work of Andy Goldsworthy. The children have used resources from the natural environment to create their own interpretations of his designs. Photographs of the work produced by Sapphire Class are on our Instagram page, if you would like to have a look.
Please ask your children to check their Google Classroom page for this week's homework and a list of the days that they will be able to use the adventure playground next week.
We have noticed that a few Year 5 and 6 children still have not joined the Google Classroom page for their class. We would appreciate it if parents could encourage their children to do so please.
Children will also need to log on to their MyOn account to complete a written project as part of their English/Project work.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall