Friday 2 October 2020


 An important message to start this week's blog.

We currently live in strange times and those quick chats at the beginning and end of the day are not possible at the moment.  All of you would have received reports in February about your child's progress and areas to focus upon for next steps in learning.  Once new classes start next half term, there will be some form of Parent/Teacher Consultation - we will let you know details nearer the time of how we can make this happen.  However, in the meantime if you have any concerns or you would like to know how your child has settled back into school, please send us an email via our phase email address and we will get back to you.

In other news.......

On Monday, children in Year 6 took part in some activities which were supplied by the Young Shakespeare Company.  We usually have them in school performing a play for us.  Due to Covid-19, we were unable to arrange a visit this year, so they sent us a video version of their presentation of Twelfth Night.  Children took part in activities in class with their teacher, following the story and instructions on the video.  Children and teachers thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  


Please note that homework for Year 6 has been uploaded to the Year 6 Google Classroom page.  All children have been invited to join the page.  Please make sure that your child has accepted the invitation and can access the work set.

Alongside the maths and English work set, children are expected to be learning the Year 3/4 and 5/6 spellings and times tables which are also posted on the page.  Children should know their tables to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.  Therefore, it is vital that they revise these regularly at home as well as in school.  They should be using MyOn and quizzing on what they read via Accelerated Reader.  

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall