Wednesday 18 March 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

The Year 5/6 teaching team will be uploading home learning activities to our Google Classroom pages.  Please make sure that your child checks regularly for updates and completes any tasks given.  There is also a Year 6 SATs Classroom page which children joined in class last week.  I will post the joining code for this on the Home Classroom page for Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz for those children who were absent and may not have joined.

We are now using MyON (an online reading library) in school.  Children have been issued with their log in passwords today and are bringing home a letter for your information. Their log in is the same as for Accelerated Reader.  Books they read on MyON link directly with Accelerated Reader and they will be able to quiz on them from home until 4pm each day. 

Please keep checking the school web site, the Year 5/6 blog and Google Classroom for updates.

Your continued patience and support is very much appreciated at this time.

With kind regards

Miss Sharman and the Year 5/6 team