Monday, 23 March 2020

The Year 5 and 6 Hand Washing Choir

Have a listen to the Year 5 and 6 children who are in school today singing Happy Birthday while washing their hands before lunch.

Good morning Year 5/6

Dear Parents/Carers

It has been lovely to see how many children are online, accessing work this morning.
I am working to respond to questions they are posting as quickly as I can.  Please tell them not to worry if there is something they don't understand or are confused about.  This is new to us all and we are working hard to figure out how to make things as simple as possible.  We will all get used to it soon. 
Have a lovely day with your children.

Sending best wishes to you all
Miss Sharman

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Year 5/6 - Just checking in

Dear Parents/Carers

Just thought I would check in with everyone to let you know that we are monitoring our Google Classroom pages and school email accounts throughout the weekend.
We are ready to begin uploading work for children to complete next week.  Monday's work will be posted tomorrow evening.
We are also ready to welcome the children who will be joining us in class next week.
Have a lovely weekend, relax and stay safe.

With best wishes
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Pasquale

Friday, 20 March 2020


Dear Parents/Carers

Thank you so much for all your support with MyON so far.

I have received an email from MyON today. They have set up a free reading resource with over 7000 books for children to read from home.

I hope you find this useful

Best wishes
Miss Sharman

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

As promised, a timetable for children to work from next week has been uploaded to our classroom pages. 

Work for Monday will be uploaded in the next few days.

Best wishes.  Take care.  Keep smiling!

Miss Sharman

Dear Parents/Carers

Please be assured that Year 5/6 staff are continuing to prepare home learning activities for your children.  We will begin uploading lesson instructions and resources in due course.
We understand that printing worksheets etc may be difficult for some of you. Therefore, we are attempting to set as much work as possible which can be completed using a google doc to minimise the use of paper and printer ink.

We will be uploading a timetable of activities, in the style of our usual school day later today.  This will inform you as to which activities should be completed each day.

Thank you all so much for your support with MyON (the online reading library).  So far, children in Years 5 and 6 have spent over 11 hours using MyON.  This is fantastic and shows just how keen our children are to continue their learning at home.

I have changed the name of the Year 6 SATs revision classroom page.  It is now the Year 6 Classwork page.  Year 6 children will still need to check this regularly.  Even though SATs will now not take place, I am still working hard to ensure that Year 6 children cover all areas of the curriculum and are Secondary School ready.

Mrs Pasquale, Mrs Devlin and I are here to support your children whether they are in school or working from home and are more than happy to help in any way we can.

Thanks again for your continued patience and support.

Miss Sharman 

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

The Year 5/6 teaching team will be uploading home learning activities to our Google Classroom pages.  Please make sure that your child checks regularly for updates and completes any tasks given.  There is also a Year 6 SATs Classroom page which children joined in class last week.  I will post the joining code for this on the Home Classroom page for Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz for those children who were absent and may not have joined.

We are now using MyON (an online reading library) in school.  Children have been issued with their log in passwords today and are bringing home a letter for your information. Their log in is the same as for Accelerated Reader.  Books they read on MyON link directly with Accelerated Reader and they will be able to quiz on them from home until 4pm each day. 

Please keep checking the school web site, the Year 5/6 blog and Google Classroom for updates.

Your continued patience and support is very much appreciated at this time.

With kind regards

Miss Sharman and the Year 5/6 team