Wednesday 13 March 2019

We look forward to having the opportunity to showcase our school this Friday morning when our local MP, Marc Francois, visits us.  He will lead an assembly to inform pupils about what he does. This will be followed by a tour of the school and a question and answer session.
Reminders: Please keep bringing in plastic bottle tops. Also, we would appreciate more photos of pupils reading in unusual places for use on a reading display in the KS2 corridor. Thank you.

Homework pages for this week:
Ruby:          Y5 English p59     Y6 English p54 Y5 Maths p72-73    Y6 Maths: p70-71
Sapphire:    Y5 English p72-73     Y6 English p72-73 Y5 Maths p72-73    Y6 Maths: p70-71

Topaz:         Y5 English p90     Y6 English p66-67   Y5 Maths p72-73 Y6 Maths: p70-71