Thursday, 21 March 2019

Times Tables Rock Stars has been a huge hit at Down Hall.  
The feedback received from pupils, teachers and parents has been extremely positive during the trial period.
As a result we have subscribed to enable pupils to keep rockin’!

This week’s homework pages:
Ruby:          Y5 English p33-35     Y6 English p27-29 Y5 Maths p70-71   Y6 Maths: p72-73
Sapphire:    Y5 English p92-93     Y6 English p94-95 Y5 Maths p60-61   Y6 Maths: p64-65

Topaz:         Y5 English p33-35     Y6 English p27-29 Y5 Maths p70-71   Y6 Maths: p74-75

In addition to the normal maths and English homework, we have also set the children a task to
research an endangered animal - a letter will be issued on Friday 22/03/19 with further details.
Mr Richards.

Friday, 15 March 2019

MP Mark Francois Visit

MP Mark Francois Visit

On Friday 15th March 2019, our MP for Rayleigh and Wickford Mark Francois came to visit. He walked into assembly while we were finishing our rights song. Mr Francois told us what an MP is and what his job is.

The Prefects took Mr Francois round a tour of the school and he enjoyed some of our unique displays (e.g. our Recycle Station and writing on the tables that will rub out )!

Many children were fascinated by his information and have changed their views of being an MP when they are older. He had many facts and answered all questions that made the children understand. He loved the Origami Frogs made by Ruby class and he had a go at making one of them jump.

Mr Francois was also extremely impressed by all of our sporting  event trophies we have earned and our sponsorship for Thoko and wanted to know who had the funniest Christmas Jumper! We can not thank Mrs Hurley any more for creating this special memory and we hope to see Mr Francois again. One of the main highlights was that he has invited us to the Houses of Parliament. We really hope we can go!

When thinking of today’s special visit, we think that Article 12 (respect for the views of the child) was fulfilled really well. We think that Mr Francois listened very carefully to our questions and that he took us seriously with his well-thought out response.

We very much enjoyed Mark Francois coming to our school and he was super impressed with the tour of our school. A big thank you on behalf of Down Hall Primary School to Mr Francois for coming to talk to us.

By Lucy and Millie

Year 6 Prefects

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

We look forward to having the opportunity to showcase our school this Friday morning when our local MP, Marc Francois, visits us.  He will lead an assembly to inform pupils about what he does. This will be followed by a tour of the school and a question and answer session.
Reminders: Please keep bringing in plastic bottle tops. Also, we would appreciate more photos of pupils reading in unusual places for use on a reading display in the KS2 corridor. Thank you.

Homework pages for this week:
Ruby:          Y5 English p59     Y6 English p54 Y5 Maths p72-73    Y6 Maths: p70-71
Sapphire:    Y5 English p72-73     Y6 English p72-73 Y5 Maths p72-73    Y6 Maths: p70-71

Topaz:         Y5 English p90     Y6 English p66-67   Y5 Maths p72-73 Y6 Maths: p70-71

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Year 5/6 blog 06.03.19

This week, pupils have participated in a piece of research about reading comprehension with a student from Cambridge University.  Initial results are looking very positive! Research shows that just 10-15 minutes of reading a day has a huge impact, especially if the person listening asks effective questions to assess comprehension.  Pupils in Year 5 and 6 have been asked to photograph themselves reading in unusual places to use as part of a display in school. The ones received so far are fabulous! More please!

Homework pages for this week:
Ruby:          Y5 English p24-25     Y6 English p4 and 11  Y5 Maths p44-45 Y6 Maths: p14
Sapphire:    Y5 English p46-47     Y6 English p43 Y5 Maths p44-45    Y6 Maths: p62-63

Topaz:         Y5 English p96-97     Y6 English p14-15 Y5 Maths p26     Y6 Maths: p14