Friday, 19 October 2018

Year 5/6 The Shakespeare Company Visit

The Shakespeare Company Play

The Shakespeare company are a group that  come into schools and retell Shakespearean plays for kids.  On Wednesday 16th October we were lucky to be able to see MacBeth in action.              
Last year they performed Romeo and Juliet to Year five and six and this year they performed MacBeth.
The whole year group were amazed at how they managed to engage all the children in the play by giving them parts. It was also good to see the ways they had to express how the characters might be feeling because of the decisions they made.
MacBeth is a tragedy play so there were lots sad moments and  happy moments.
We would really like to thank all of the actors and actresses that were involved - it really was a great performance!

                                                     By Ruby Noble and Alex Bowyer
We wish you all a very happy half-term break. Please enjoy and stay safe.
Your homework pages are as follows:
English Y5 p 21         Y6 p 8-10
Maths Y5 p 14        Y6 p 12