Friday, 25 October 2024

Year 5/6 Blogpost 25.10.24

 Friday 25th October 2024

Year 5/6 Blogpost 25.10.24

Happy Friday and end of half term. We have had lots of fun and learning take place in these 8 weeks, but this is only the start of an action-packed, engaging year that we have planned ahead.  This week, the children have focussed on writing a narrative that combines the use of not only descriptive language, but the use of varying their sentence types to grasp the reader's attention, keeping them captivated.

As a 'well done' for working as hard as they have, we would like the children to enjoy their half term and take the opportunity to rest so that they are ready to embrace our next half term. 

If they should have a burning desire, it would benefit their minds to dip into any of the following:

  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down. This week we are up to Spelling rule 44 - Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in –fer
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 7’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practice on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo.

We hope that the children who attended the disco had a fab time and you all manage to share some special time with your families this half term.

Please remember that Monday 4th October is an inset day, so children will return on Tuesday 5th October.

See you soon!

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 18 October 2024

Year 5/6 Blogpost 18.10.24

Happy Friday one and all. We hope you've had a great week and are looking forward to October half term next week. It's hard to believe that we have been learning for 7 weeks - we have crammed so much in this term!

World Food Day

What a day we had in school! It was wonderful cooking with all the children and trying out so many foods. Please check out our school newsletter for all the action!

Year 5 Danbury Residential

We hope that the Year 5s a had a fantastic time at their Danbury residential trip. I am sure we will hear all about it on their return to school on Monday. Keep a look out for photos in next week's school newsletter.

Year 5 Pg 7 (place value)
Year 6 Pg 11 (Division)
Year 5 Pg 15-16 (clauses)
Year 6 Pg 14 (clauses)
  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down. This week we are up to Spelling rule 43 - Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in –fer.
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 6’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practice on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Friday 11th October 2024


Year 5/6 Blog Post 11.10.24

We are once again back to another Friday.

As the weather is continuing to cool and provide us with free showers, could we please request that you provide the children with suitable school uniform and added layers for when we go out to play and learn.  We have had much fun in our learning again this week, so please take a look at our newsletter for some updates and photos.


A big thank you to all of the parents that attended the Year 6 parent meeting yesterday. It was great to see you all. Remember if you have any questions from the meeting, please feel free to send a message over dojo and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Science Day! Thursday 10th October
On Thursday, the children had a great time learning all about Science through experiments. There are pictures that we have taken from the day which we will share with you in next week's newsletter.

Year 5 Danbury Residential

We hope that the Year 5s are excited for the Danbury residential trip next week. Just a quick reminder to look over the kit list that was sent home to ensure your children remember to bring all of the required items. Please remember to bring the children's lunch in a disposable bag where possible for the first day and any medication labelled in a box if required. We will do our best to get images on the school's Instagram during the trip.

Year 5 Pg 15 (Rounding and checking)
Year 6 Pg 10 (Written Multiplication)
Year 5 Pg 9 (Adverbs)
Year 6 Pg 7 (Adverbs)
  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 8’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practice on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 4 October 2024

Friday 4th October 2024

 Friday 4th October 2024

Year 5/6 Blog Post 4.10.24

We are once again back to another Friday - and it's now October!!!

As the weather is continuing to cool and provide us with free showers, could we please request that you provide the children with suitable school uniform and added layers for when we go out to play and learn.  We have had much fun in our learning again this week, so please take a look at our newsletter for some updates and photos.


Another reminder to please come join us and learn how you can support your child through this important year. We are encouraging you to bring your child with you so that you can ask questions if needed.

We hope to see you there!

Year 5 Pg 12 (Written addition and Subtractions)
Year 6 Pg 9 (Number problems)
Year 5 Pg 46 (Fronted Adverbials)
Year 6 Pg 43 (Fronted Adverbials)

  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes reading to an adult every day is the optimum and should be continuing into Year 6. Please also encourage your child to read by themselves and then discuss the text afterwards, sharing opinions, their favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. All children have a Reading Record to take home.
  • Spelling words - please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • Times table practise - next week we are looking at 4’s. Please practise these at home by revising them from your spelling and times table notebook and by writing them down.
  • TTRS/Sumdog - lots of practice on these amazing programmes that complement what we learn at school. Please see your reading diaries for login details or message your class teacher using Dojo

Science Day! Thursday 10th October

On Thursday next week, we have invited Sublime Science to Down Hall to provide the children with a day full of scientific experiments. In light of this, could we please ask that your children come into school wearing clothes that you don't mind getting a little messy.

Should you wish to embrace your little scientist further at home, the link attached will take you to their website, where you can access over 100 free experiment ideas. sublimescience


For the children who received a letter regarding bikeability this week, please ensure that you bring in your bikes to the school hall at the beginning of the day and children are provided with the equipment listed on the letter. Many thanks.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield and Mrs Witherall