Friday, 17 May 2024



Happy Friday everyone!

We have had a busy week here in Year 5/6.

SATs Week

This week, children in Year 6 have completed their SATs tests.  They were tested in grammar, punctuation and spelling, reading and maths. They approached the tests with maturity and resilience and tried their absolute best. We are so proud of them.  

Isle of Wight

With SATs out of the way, we can now look forward to our trip to the Isle of Wight.  A letter was sent out this week, but here is a reminder of everything the children will need to bring with them.


  • Trainers/shoes for the activities and trips
  • Socks (must have ankle socks to wear on the activities)
  • Underwear
  • Nightwear
  • T-shirts
  • Jumpers/tracksuit tops (must have long sleeved tops for activities
  • Tracksuit bottoms/combat type trousers for activities.  Jeans cannot be worn for activities, but can be brought for the afternoon/evening visits)
  • Children to travel in clothing of their choice with sensible footwear for the Mary Rose visit
  • Towels (don't give them your best ones!)
  • Toiletries in a toiletry bag (no spray products e.g. deodorant, hair spray etc.  No hair gel, or make-up. This will be confiscated by the adults if children bring them)
  • Small backpack for the offsite trips
  • Insect repellent, lip balm (not coloured) and sun cream.
  • Purse or wallet
  • A keyring for their room key
  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • A suitcase/holdall that they can carry/drag
  • A packed lunch to eat at The Mary Rose

This needs to be given to Miss Wakefield on the Monday of departure.  Please put your child's name on the medication with instructions regarding when and how often it is to be administered.  All medication provided needs to be new, unopened bottles/packets.
EXTRA ITEMS TO BRING (these are optional)

Books/magazines/puzzle books
Card games e.g. Uno/Boggle!
Disposable cameras



The children have £20 which will be issued to them during the course of the week.
Please do not give your child any extra money as this will be unfair to others and will be confiscated by adults.

Finally, we would like to say a big  thank you to Year 5, who have been so supportive of their peers this week.
They have adapted brilliantly to the change in timetable and learning in the hall rather than the classrooms. In addition to this, they have also worked hard undertaking their own assessments.   All staff who have worked with them have commented on how well-behaved they have been and how hard they have worked for them.  Well done Year 5 and thank you!

As the children have completed assessments this week, homework is spellings, which have been set on Spellingframe, and tables practice on TTRS. 

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!  
Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Nottage

Friday, 10 May 2024

 Friday 10th May 2024

Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz Blog for Year 5/6 - Friday 10th May 2024

Happiest of Fridays to you all. The week has been a short one, but we have managed to cram lots into our timetable. Year 5 have had more time to write their Just So Stories and are now beginning to see that they are nearly ready to have them 'published' - we can't wait to share some of these with you when they are completed.

Year 6 have worked exceptionally hard revising with a strong focus on timing in preparation for next week's SATs.

SATs breakfast 

All Year 6 are invited to join us each morning from 8 - we just need the form completed that was sent home last week. This will provide all of the children with the opportunity to relax and calm any nerves. This is free for the children. Could you please bring them to the hall, using the side door in the front car park.


Year 5 have homework set on Google Classroom.
Year 6 have had their homework shared with them and is as follows:
Wishing you all a lovely, sunny weekend. Mrs Witherall, Mrs Devlin, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Nottage.


Friday, 3 May 2024

 Friday 3rd May 2024

Happy Friday, everyone! Well another busy week has flown by. The children in Year 5 have been busy working hard on creating their own  'Just So' story, inspired by those written by Rudyard Kipling, whilst Year 6 have been revising hard in preparation for their SATs. This afternoon's art lesson, looking at the work of the artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo, provided was a welcome break and all the children thoroughly enjoyed creating a portrait of their own using images of fruit. The bright pictures were also a distraction from the miserable weather outside!

Multiply Maths Programme
Are you someone who feels they need some support with maths? Perhaps your own experience in school wasn’t a good one. Well fear not, we have the solution to this!
Multiply courses are free and fully funded by Essex County Council as part of their Multiply Maths programme.
Each course is 10 guided learning hours, 6 hours face-to-face in school, 4 hours of activities to try in between sessions and ongoing. The ideal group size is between 8-12 parents per session.  The sessions will be taking place on 10th,17th and 24th May.
There is a link below for you to register your interest.

A £10 Amazon voucher will be awarded to each parent who completes the course.

Homework has been uploaded to Google Classroom.

We wish you all a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Mrs Witherall