Friday, 30 June 2023


Happy Friday everyone!

It has been an exciting week in Year 5 and 6.  The Year 5 children found out which classes they will be in next year and Year 6 have had their transition visits to their secondary schools.

Parents of children in Year 6 should have received a letter regarding arrangements for this year's Leavers' Assembly which will take place on July 19th at 6pm.  Please return the slip, stating whether or not you will be attending as soon as possible.  Please be aware that we can only accommodate 2 guests per family.  

Next week, we have Open School on Tuesday.  You are welcome to come and look around your child's class and meet their new teacher for September.

Isle of Wight photographs will be on display in Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz.  A Google folder of these photos will be shared with the children.

Friday is Sports Day.  You should have received a letter this week with details of how the day will be run.

Please complete the form on the following link to let the office know of your child's lunchtime arrangements.

No homework this week as it has been assessment week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 23 June 2023


Happy Friday folks!

We hope you are all enjoying this fantastic weather.  Please remember to make sure your child has sun cream on before they come to school.  They also need a full water bottle (water only please) and a hat.  

If you are planning on coming to the Summer Fete, tomorrow, we look forward to seeing you. 


On Thursday 29th, we are having class photographs taken.  We are aware that this is also the Fitz transition day.  If your child is attending the transition day, please bring them to Down Hall as usual so that they can be in the class photo before going to Fitz.  

Year 5 and 6 will need to go straight to the hall, rather than to their classrooms at 8:45.

Full uniform, including ties and jumpers/cardigans will be required for the photos and we would prefer the Year 6 children to attend their transition days wearing our school tie please.

Please, also make sure your Year 6 child has a tie for Monday 26th, as Miss Sharman will be taking a group photo for the Echo.  

Open school

On Tuesday 4th July, we will be hosting our yearly 'open school' event.  Parents are welcome to visit their child's classroom and see some of the lovely work they have produced.  We look forward to seeing you.

Photos from the Isle of Wight residential trip will be on display in Sapphire and Topaz class.  Year 6 children will be given access to the photographs within the next couple of weeks via their Google accounts.

Sports Day

Sports day is on 7th July.  KS2 a.m and EYFS and KS1 p.m.  More details to follow early next week.

Leaver's Assembly

This will be held on Wednesday 19th July at 6pm.  More details to follow.....

Homework has been posted on the Classroom pages.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 9 June 2023


Happy Friday folks!

This is our first blog of the final half term of the school year.  Where has this year gone?

Before half term, the Year 6 children went on their residential trip to the Isle of Wight.  They were a credit to the school and made Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin, Miss Langley and Miss Bamber extremely proud.

Members of the public, as well as people working in the places we visited commented on their wonderful manners and behaviour.  We have lots of photos which will be on display in Year 6 classrooms during open school.  

Don't forget that we have the Father's Day sale next Friday.  Remember to send a carrier bag for them to put their purchases in.  We would hate to spoil a surprise!


We have been informed that the transistion visit for children who will be attending Fitz in September clashes with our class photo day. (29th June)

Please can we ask that parents to bring children to Down Hall, first thing as we will have our photographs taken first.  Children will then need to be dropped off at Fitz.  We will inform Fitz that our children may arrive a little later than planned on that day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall