Happy sunny Friday everyone!
It has been lovely to see the children return to school this week for what is the final half term of the academic year.
There are lots of exciting events coming up over the next few weeks, so keep an eye on the website and newsletters.
On Wednesday, children in Year 5 took part in a road safety workshop. The visitor who presented it commented on how sensible and engaged the children were. Well done Year 5.
This afternoon some of the children will have brought home letters regarding District Sports. If your child received one, please read it carefully and return the reply slip to Miss Sharman as soon as possible. If you have any questions relating to this even, please contact Miss Sharman via the Year 5/6 email.
Earlier this week, 7 of the Year 6 children were selected as Prefects. They were chosen by staff who felt that they will represent the school brilliantly. So, well done to Phoebe, Haris, Eli, Jessica, Lily, Josh and Tyler.
On Monday, we will be electing house captains and we wish all those who have decided to apply, the best of luck!
Have a lovely weekend - enjoy the Trinity Fayre if you are attending.
A Message from Mrs Hurley: TTRS Day
This year, at Down Hall Primary School, we have had a big focus on Times Tables through our Times Table Programme as well as Times Table Rock Stars. These have both helped the children to become more fluent in their times tables.
On Friday 24th June, we would like all staff and pupils to take the opportunity to dress up as rock stars for the day. During this day they will take part in a range of maths activities. It would be great to see as many children and staff engage in the TTRS Battle as possible. Prizes for the best dressed rock star (staff and child) will be handed out. Certificates will also be given to the children who achieve the fastest ‘Studio Speed’ in (according to the leaderboard that morning) No monetry donation is needed for dressing up, as this is not a charity event. More details will follow…