Friday, 25 March 2022


Dear Parent/Carer

Happy, sunny Friday everyone!  What a lovely week it has been!

This week in Year 5 and 6, the children have been taking part in assessments.  They have worked hard to show us how much progress they are making.  

As always when we complete assessments, there will not be homework this week.

Today, the children have made cards for a certain special day on Sunday and attended a sale to buy a lovely gift or two.  Thank you to the PTA for organising the sale.

Thank you to all of the Year 6 parents who attended the Isle of Wight meeting on Wednesday.  If you were unable to attend, your child should have brought home a copy of the Powerpoint slides we used.  If you have any questions regarding the trip, please email the school office or 

Drop In Session - Wednesday 30th March

After school this Wednesday, we are excited to announce that there will be a drop-in session between 3:15-4:00pm! This will be an opportunity for you all to come into class  and to look at some of their work. We will send all the children out to you as usual on this day and once all the children are with their adults, you can come to the classroom. There will be sufficient time for you to visit more than one class if you have more than one child in school. We are very much looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!

Fundraising For Ukraine - Friday 1st April

Just a reminder that on Friday 1st April, the children will be able to wear blue and yellow clothes (non-school uniform) to school to help raise money for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine - suggested donation of £1.

In class, we will be discussing how, many Ukranian children have become displaced through no fault of their own and how the conflict affects their right to be safe from harm, the right to a home and the right to go to school. 

Have a lovely weekend.  Enjoy the sunny weather while it lasts.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 18 March 2022


Dear Parents/Carers

We've come to the end of another busy week and it was great to finish the week having fun  celebrating Red Nose Day.

We had a lovely day wearing our noses in support of Comic Relief. In the morning, the children took part in the "Make You Smile Dance Challenge" and then showed their skills in the "Nose and Spoon Race!" Demand for noses was so great that our noses SOLD OUT! Thanks so much for all your generous donations towards this worthy cause. The total amount raised will be published in due course in the newsletter. 

Fundraising For Ukraine - Friday 1st April

On Friday 1st April, the children will be able to wear blue and yellow clothes (non-school uniform) to school to help raise money for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine - suggested donation of £1.

We will be continuing to discuss the situation with the children as the crisis has been the dominant story in Newsround. We are very much focusing on the Rights of the Child and how the invasion has meant that children are not getting their right to be safe from harm, the right to a home and the right to go to school. The children are very much used to looking at events and situations by relating these to our rights, but if you have any concerns please let us know beforehand.

Year 5 and 6 homework

Homework has been posted on your child's Google Classroom page.  Please ask them to check.

Play Leaders

Congratulations to the Year 6 children who successfully applied for the role of Play Leaders. We are certain they will do a good job.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 11 March 2022



Dear Parents/Carers

This week in Year 5 and 6 we have been writing poems about water.  The children have produced some lovely work.  Watch this space for some examples next week.........

In project, we have been making Viking long boats.  They were a little fiddly to stick together, but the children percevered and rose to the challenge.


Noses will be on sale in school during the week commencing 15th March for £1.50. They will be sold during school hours in the same way that the Poppy Appeal items are.

The PTA will also be running a tuck shop in the playground after school on Friday, so please bring your pennies at collection for an after-school treat. Please be aware that due to Natasha’s Law, a parent/guardian will need to be present when making a purchase at the tuck shop. All packaging will be displayed so that parents can check ingredients.

Fundraising For Ukraine

As a staff we are very aware of the continuing, terrible situation and humanitarian crisis that is unfolding in Ukraine. In last week's newsletter there was information and helpful websites that support discussing this issue with your child should you wish to do so or if they are asking questions.

We will be meeting as a staff, next week, to plan for a fundraising event in support of the DEC campaign to help the people of Ukraine. We were mindful, however, that this event did not get muddled in with an already planned charity event in support of Red Nose Day. We will send details of this separate fundraising event in due course.

Year 5 and 6 homework

Homework has been posted on your child's Goggle Classroom page.  Please ask them to check.

Play Leaders

Thank you to the Year 6 children who have given in their application forms to become Play Leaders.  Miss Sharman will be looking at them this weekend and will let children know whether their application has been successful next week.  

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 4 March 2022

 Dear Parents and Carers

This week the children thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day. It was great to see them in their costumes and also to see how carefully they had thought about the props they brought in to use to give clues to their favourite stories. In the afternoon, the children had great fun creating their own games based around books e.g Bookopoly, their version of Monopoly.

Homework pages for this week have been uploaded to Google Classroom. Please make sure your child checks which pages they need to complete and remind them to hand their Maths homework to their Maths teachers, not to their class teacher. 

Polite Reminder

If you have not yet returned the Isle of Wight form, attached to the recent letter about the meeting on Wednesday 23rd March at 3:30pm, could you return it as soon as possible please.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall.