Dear Parents/Carers
This week in Year 5/6, children have been split across the three classes for reading and maths. This is to prepare our Year 6 children for their SATs tests in May.
Homework pages have been posted on Google Classroom. Children should hand their GPS books to their Class Teacher and their maths books to the teacher they have for that lesson.
Some children did not take their books home with them today. They can take them on Monday. We will not expect homework to be returned until Friday 21st January.
On Friday 21st January, children in all three classes will be taking part in Walk Online. This is an online safety session hosted by 'The Two Johns' who we know well here at Down Hall. Their sessions are always interesting and informative and enjoyed by the children.
'The Two Johns' will be hosting a webinar for parents, to give you an insight into what they will be sharing with the children. Please see details below:
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall
Help keep your children safe online – free webinar Wednesday 19th January 2022.
The Rochford District Community Safety Partnership, working alongside Sanctuary Housing, is pleased to offer a free online webinar that is taking place between 8.00 PM and 9.30 PM on Wednesday 19th January 2022.
The webinar will be hosted by “The Two Johns” who have extensive knowledge of online safety issues affecting children, having previously worked in law enforcement investigating online grooming and exploitation of children.
The session is aimed at supporting parents and carers of Rochford District school children, and will reflect a similar programme that is being delivered by “The Two Johns” to Year 5, 6 and 7 pupils across the District during the week 17th January to 21st January 2022.
The session is run on Zoom and can be accessed via the following link
Joining instructions:
- The session will be “live” 10 minutes before actual commencement at 8 PM.
- Click the link and a dialogue box will open – click “Allow”

- A Further dialogue box will open

- In the “Your name” field, enter the name of the school your child attends and their year group e.g. Anytown Primary – Yr 5
- In the email field, enter your email address – this is required simply to access the session. Your email will not be visible to other participants and will not be stored or used for any purpose.
Further information regarding the Two Johns and the work they do can be found at Home - eSafety Training