Friday, 26 November 2021


Happy Friday everyone!

It has been lovely to see so many of our children returning to school this week.  We are glad that they are all feeling better.

As you will be aware, due to Covid, we are required to keep the classrooms well ventilated.  Therefore, doors and windows are open during the day.  As the weather has decided to take on a wintery feel, we would encourage children to bring coats to school every day.

This week in Year 5 and 6, the children have enjoyed writing instructions.  They watched their teachers making a jelly on Monday and then wrote the instructions for what they saw.  Later in the week, they wrote instructions on something of their choice for others to follow.

On Friday 3rd December we will be taking part in the Unite The Uniforms campaign in honour of the millions of people who have served in the NHS and emergency services. Children are invited to come to school wearing the colours of the emergency services; red, blue, green or orange.  In class we will be thinking about how these people help us and why it is important to honour them.  We will make links to Children’s Rights and use our pupil voice to write letters of thanks, which we will send to our local services.  Suggested donation is £1, but please give as little or as much as you wish so that we can all join in the dressing up fun!  Donations will go towards building the UK’s first ‘Emergency Services Cenotaph’. 

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 19 November 2021


Dear Parents/Carers

This week in Year 5/6 we have been participating in Anti-Bullying Week and Children In Need.  On Monday, children designed their own pair of odd socks for Odd Sock Day.  They wrote 'One Kind Word' on each sock as this is the theme this year.

Thank you to everyone who supported Children In Need today by making a donation and encouraging their children to come to school in their pyjamas.  They had a fun packed day completing activities, keeping fit with Joe Wicks, having a movie afternoon and 'bed time story' at the end of the day.

As you are probably all aware, we have had a few children and members of staff absent this week.  I would like to personally thank you for your support and patience.  Your children have, once again, been a credit to you and the school.  They have behaved brilliantly for the adults covering their classes.  We are all very impressed with them.

I would like to wish all our children, parents and teachers who are currently unwell a speedy recovery.  We are looking forward to welcoming them back to  school when they are better.

Have a lovely, restful weekend.

Miss Sharman

Friday, 12 November 2021



Dear Parents/Carers

We hope you are all well.  As you know, there have been a number of positive cases of Covid this week in Year 5/6.  We would like to thank you all for being so supportive and making sure that your children have received both lateral flow and PCR tests.  

Unfortunately, both Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall have also tested positive and will not be in school next week.  Classes will be covered by Down Hall staff.  I am currently planning and preparing lessons for their classes while they are absent to ensure the children continue to recieve the same teaching and learning their usual teachers would provide.

If your child is off school and feels well, work can be found on their Google Classroom pages.  These will be updated daily, next week.  Please ask your children to submit work to me to be checked.  If they are feeling unwell, then we do not expect them to complete work.

We wish all of our children and staff a speedy recovery and look forward to welcoming them back to school soon.

Miss Sharman 

Welcome Mrs Morris

Year 5/6 have welcomed a new ISA to the phase.  Mrs Morris will be working alongside 5/6 phase colleagues and will spend time in each of the three classes each week.  The children have made her feel extremely welcome and she is thoroughly enjoying working with them.

Plant update!

Those of you have been following the (slow) progress of our geranium cuttings will be please to know that we have had a little success.  Some of the cuttings began growing roots over the past couple of weeks and are now planted in compost.  Fingers crossed they continue to flourish!

Remembrance Day

On Thursday, we took part in the two minutes silence to remember those who sacrificed their lives in wartime.

The children have been buying poppies and other poppy merchandise this week.  The total will be announced at a later date.  The collection boxes were very heavy, so thank you to those of you who made a contribution.


This term we are covering ‘Celebrating Difference’ in PSHE. In light of this, we would like to invite our pupils to participate in ‘Odd Socks Day’ to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week, which begins on 15th November.

All children have to do to take part is wear odd socks, it could not be simpler!

The theme of anti bullying week is ‘One Kind Word’ so we will be linking this to RRS.

In class, the children will design a pair of odd socks and write a kind word on each to share with their friends.

A24:  Every child has the right to the best possible health, including mental health.

A1:  Children’s rights apply to all children, everywhere, all the time.


Friday 19th November 2021

This year to celebrate Children in Need, we will be having a pyjama day at school on Friday 19th November. Children can wear their favourite PJs to school, however please remember that all children still need to wear sensible outdoor shoes so that they will be safe going outside, and to also bring a coat.

Suggested donation is £1 per child to raise money for such a great cause, but you can give more if you wish. There will be a bucket for donations at the gate during morning drop off. 

Have a healthy and restful weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 5 November 2021


Dear Parents/Carers

A few announcements and reminders for this week:

School Council

Article 12 of the UNCRC states that every child has the right to have their voices heard in matters that affect them.  With this in mind we cannot wait to get the School Council up and running so that our children can share ideas, take discussions back to classes and ALL children can be involved in decision making in a democratic way.  A huge well done to everyone brave enough to put themselves forward.  Classes have now voted and the results have been counted!  Congratulations to our new School Councillors. Representing Year 5 and 6 are:

Ruby: Leo

Sapphire: Byron

Topaz: Ellie


Next week, the children will have the opportunity to purchase poppies within class. As well as the poppies, there are some other Royal British Legion merchandise (such as key rings, wrist bands and stationery) which can be purchased. The suggested donation for these items are 50p for a poppy and £1 for other items. If you wish your child to get any of these, then please send them in with their money any day next week.

New Collection Arrangements

From today there was a slight change to the collection arrangements at the end of the day. These will continue next week.  Year 5/6 parents are invited onto the playground at the end of the day to collect their children.  Please be aware that if your child walks home independently, they will leave after the rest of their class have been collected.  


There will be no Year 5/6 homework this week.  Please ensure that your child reads and uses TTRS or Sumdog.  Homework from the CGP books will resume next week. 

Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the fireworks if you are taking part in Bonfire Night.  Stay safe!

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall