Thursday, 21 October 2021


Dear Parents/Carers

Here we are at the end of the first half term of the school year.  The children have worked so hard and we are very proud of them.

Although they have homework during half term, we would like them to have a good rest too.

Christmas Cards

Today, your child has come home with their Christmas card design which they can get professionally made into their very own cards. There is a covering letter which explains the process and how you can order your child's cards online should you wish to. If you have placed an order, tick the box on the sheet to show you have and then you must bring the design back into school on Monday 1st November as they are being collected to send to the print studio to be manufactured.

School Council Elections

In the first week back after half term, each class will be holding an election to choose one person to be part of our new school council. During half term, you might like to discuss with your child whether they would be interested in standing in this election. Discuss how a member of the school council needs to be a good listener but also able to express their own ideas and those of their class during meetings. Children choosing to stand might also like to create a poster and speech outlining why they think they would be a good candidate for the council. We look forward to sharing the results of the election at the end of our first week back. Happy campaigning!

Harvest Festival Collection

Thank you so much to all of you that have contributed to our Harvest Festival collection this year for South Essex Extended Services.  Every single donation does make a difference and is given to children and families in our own local community that need it the most. 
RRS A 27:  Every child has the right to a standard of living good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs.

Have a lovely half term.
Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 15 October 2021


Dear Parents/Carers

This week, in Year 5/6 the children have completed assessments in maths, English and reading.  They have all worked really hard and tried their best, which is all we ever ask of them.

Therefore, there is no homework this week. 

Thank you to those of you who have booked an appointment with us for next Friday's Parent/Teacher Consultations.  We are very much looking forward to seeing you.

We will send a Zoom link on Wednesday.  

Don't forget, Our Harvest Festival collection continues with a collection box at the gate and any contributions are greatly appreciated.  Here is the link to our Harvest Blog and to our Harvest Festival Samba song to get you in the mood!

Next Wednesday, children in Year 6 will take part in a virtual Crucial Crew event.  These have always been informative and beneficial in the past and we are looking forward to taking part again this year.

As you may have seen, a letter was uploaded this week detailing the new entry and exit times which will begin next week.  Children in Year 5/6 should arrive at school for the entry time of 8:45am.  The exit time will be 3:15pm.  More details are available on the letter, which can be found here . 

Have a lovely weekend 

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 8 October 2021


Dear Parents/Carers

This week, in Year 5/6 we have been celebrating Black History Month by reading the story 'A House Like No Other'.  We have used it to inspire our own writing and even made wooden bead bracelets like the one our main character, Izzy, found in her Aunt's jewelery box.  The children have enjoyed the lessons and have produced some wonderful written work.

In maths we have been learning about coordinates, including translating, reflecting, rotating and enlarging shapes.

Best of all, the three classes have been mixing at break and lunch times.  It has been lovely to see the children playing together as a phase group again. 

Sapphire Class making bracelets - with a little help from Payton. 

Harvest Festival

Next week we will be starting our harvest festival collection for the children and families in our own community who might need a helping hand.  There will be a collection box at the gate from next week and any contributions will be greatly appreciated.  Here is the link to our Harvest Festival song to get you in the mood!  Harvest Festival Samba

Parent/Teacher Consultations

You are now able to book an appointment to meet with your child's class teacher on Friday 22nd October, 8:30am to 3:30pm.  Please use the Scopay app to secure your slot.  We will, once again, be using Zoom.  A meeting link will be sent to you nearer the time. 

Phase Emails

Please remember, that if you wish to contact your child's class teacher, you can use the phase email.  The address to use for the Year 5/6 teachers is:

Your emails will be responded to as soon as possible by a member of staff.  This may not be until the following working day (or Monday, if sent after 4pm on Fridays.)

If you wish to inform a teacher of your child's absence, an appointment or a change in drop-off/collection arrangements, please contact the school office via text, telephone or email rather than the phase emails, as these are not checked regularly during teaching hours.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Friday, 1 October 2021


 Dear Parents/Carers

At last! The homework books have arrived.

This evening, your child will have brought home a CGP, GPS book.  The pages they are required to complete for homework are:

Year 5 Foundation - pg 43

Year 5 Targeted - pg 36

Year 5 Stretch - pg 44-45

Year 6 Foundation - pg 38

Year 6 Targeted - pg 36

Year 6 Stretch - pg 6-9

These page numbers are also displayed on our Google Classroom pages.  Homework needs to be submitted by next Wednesday.

Maths books arrived late this afternoon, so will be issued next week.

Maths homework for this week is on Google Classroom.

Height and Weight Check

As you may have seen on this week's newsletter, children in Year 6 will be having their height and weight checks on 18th and 19th October.  Parents in Year 6 should have received a letter via email.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall