Friday, 29 January 2021

Week 4


Dear Parents/Carers

Happy Friday everyone!  

We hope that everything is going well for you at home and that everyone is keeping safe and well.

It has been another busy week here in Year 5 and 6.  Your children have, again, sent us in lots of amazing work, which we are working hard to mark and return to them. We are loving seeing the work your children are creating and would like to thank you again for all of the support your are providing them at home.

Next week is Mental Health Awareness week.  We will still be setting work as usual, but will be asking children to think about their own mental health and wellbeing and will set some activities for them to complete.

Now, more than ever, we need to make sure that we look after each other and ourselves. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall 

Friday, 22 January 2021

Week 3: 22.01.21

Dear Parents/Carers

The children in Year 5 and 6 have done their teachers proud again this week. We have received some lovely work and messages from them. Thank you, again, for all of your hard work and support with home learning. Remember, as always, if you need us, we are here at the end of the phone or an email.

Please see the message below from Mrs Hurley about a Sumdog competition which started this afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall


Calling all of you amazing mathematicians! 

You have been entered into the Sumdog Essex Competition. It starts on January 22nd at 3.30pm, and finishes at 3.30pm on January 28th

Why not have a go and get your class on the school leaderboard?

I will be monitoring how well each class is doing. The winning class will be announced in the school newsletter.

Let's show our community what great mathematicians we are!

Good luck.

Mrs Hurley 👍

Friday, 15 January 2021

Year 5 and 6 Weekly Update 15.01.21

Dear Parents/Carers 

We hope that you have had a good week and that you are all safe and well at home.

Your children have amazed us again this week.  They are working so hard for us from home, making us extremely proud teachers every day.

Thank you for all of the support you are clearly giving your children.  We appreciate the challenges you face, especially if you have more than one child and/or are trying to work from home yourselves.  We are mindful of this and are here to support you and your child/children in whatever way we can. 

This week, we thought we would say a quick hello to our lovely classes, so we have filmed some short videos for them.  

Please find links to them below:

Year 5 and 6 Teacher Hellos

We have also uploaded these onto our Google Classroom pages.  

Next week, we will be introducing a new student teacher to the children in Sapphire Class.  Her name is Miss Reale (pronounced Re-ar-lay).  She will be providing some of the work that we will upload for the children to complete in the coming weeks as part of her course.  I am sure the children will enjoy the tasks she sets.

Once again, remember, we are only an email or phone call away if you need us.  

Stay safe.  Have a fab weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall 

Friday, 8 January 2021

Year 5 and 6 Weekly Update 08.01.21

Dear Parents/Carers

What a week!  We would firstly like to thank you all for the overwhelming support you have shown us this week.  We have been very impressed with the amount of work your children have been completing.  They have engaged with their learning brilliantly, asking for help when they need it and commenting politely on the Google Classroom pages.

From next week, we will be following the timetable below.  It has been posted on the Google Classroom pages so the children know what work they will need to complete each day.

Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Timetable

Daily tasks will be uploaded every morning at 7:30 am 

As we are mindful that Year 5 and 6 are able to work more independently, they should be able to access work without adult support.  Work should be completed online and returned using the 'turn in' tab in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Some children have been returning work as a PDF.  If at all possible, could you encourage them to return it as a Google Doc, as we are unable to mark and type comments on PDFs. 

As you may have seen on the recent letter uploaded to the web site, we will be contacting parents of children who we do not hear from by the Wednesday of each week.  Although children are unable to come into school, we are still here to support them and their families so please remember we are only a phone call or email away. 

Have a restful weekend.  Stay safe.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Virtual Activity and Sports Clubs

 Dear Parents/Carers

Staff at Deanes have set up some after school activity clubs which will be presented via Zoom. 

Please see the timetable below for details.

SSP 4 o'clock 'virtual' activity and sports clubs:

Wednesday 6th January 4pm -5pm - Fitness Fun

Thursday 7th January 4pm-5pm - Gymnastic Skills

Friday 8th January 4pm - 5pm - Sports Skills

Monday 11th January 4pm - 5pm - Street Dance 

Tuesday 12th January 4pm - 5pm - Gymnastics Skills

Wednesday 13th January 4pm - 5pm - Fitness Fun

Thursday 14th January 4pm - 5pm - Gymnastic Skills

Friday 15th January 4pm - 5pm  - Sports Skills

If your child/children (or you) would like to take part, get fit and have some fun after a day of work/home learning, please use the link below.

These clubs are free of charge and open to all children of primary school age. No need to book.

All sessions will be delivered via Zoom so you will need access to a screen/phone and a little bit of space to be active in.


  • All sessions will be led by experienced School Sport Partnership staff ( all with Enhanced DBS checks)
  • All sessions will have 2 members of staff present at all times to adhere to safeguarding recommended online best practice.
  • We will require an adult to be present/ in sight of your child throughout the sessions for safeguarding purposes.

We feel, more than ever, that it is important to keep children active and engaged during these difficult weeks and we hope this daily online club will help.


To take part in any of the sessions above please follow the zoom invitation details below: is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CPRSSP After School Club 
Time: Wednesday 6th January 2021 (Reoccurring Daily)

Join Zoom Meeting