Friday, 25 September 2020


Dear Parents/Carers

We've had a busy week in Year 6.  Children have completed assessment tasks in reading, maths, grammar, punctuation and spelling.  They tried really hard and should be extremely proud of themselves.  

Google Classroom

Please ask your child to join the new Year 6 Google Classroom.  All they need to do is log onto their google account, go to Classroom and accept the invitation.  

Starting from next Friday, we will be uploading homework activities for the children to complete.  We do have homework books ready for them but are unable to send them home at the present time.  Therefore, online homework will be set each week.  This should be completed using Google Docs.  Please do not print anything off and send it in as, due to Covid-19, we are unable to accept paper documents.

The Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 spelling lists and some times tables challenges have already been uploaded for children to use at home.  Please support your child with learning spellings and tables and remind them to read regularly.  MyOn should also be used by the children as they can quiz on what they read.  We are then able to monitor this from school.


Unlucky for us in Year 6, PE resumed just as the weather changed.  Please make sure that your child wears suitable PE kit on Wednesdays and brings a PE sweatshirt with them just in case!  We will only have classroom based PE lessons if the weather is exceptionally wet, so intend to teach the children outside as much as possible, not allowing a bit of wind and rain to beat us! 

It is also advisable for children to start bringing coats into school as the weather is changeable at the moment.  There were a number of children without coats this week which made break and lunch very chilly for them.  

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall 

Friday, 18 September 2020

Back in the swing!

 Dear Parents/Carers

The children seem to be back in the swing of things here in Year 6!  They have continued to work hard for their teachers this week.

Don't forget PE starts again next week.  Our PE day is a Wednesday.

Please make sure that your child brings suitable clothing for changeable weather conditions.  We need to keep windows and doors open for ventilation, so it is advisable for children to have jumpers with them every day.  Unfortunately, we are unable to issue spare items of clothing.

A gentle reminder that the only items that children should be bringing into school are the following:

Lunch box

Reading book 

Water bottle

Coat - if the weather is chilly or wet

Other items such as tissues and hand sanitiser are available in school. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall 

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Well done Year 6!

 Dear Parents and Carers

The Year 5 and 6 teachers would like to say a huge well done to the Year 6 children.  They have settled into school exceptionally well this week, it is like they've never been away.  They have all worked so hard in lessons and have adapted to the new routines well.

We would also like to thank  parents and carers for following the guidelines during drop off and pick ups.  

This week, children have been taking part in the Daily Mile each day.  That's 7 laps around the field!  Some walk, some jog and some try to cut corners.  It is a great opportunity to get some extra fresh air and exercise and everyone seems to be enjoying it.  

In class, we have been working on a spy story in English, revisiting  areas of maths and completing a range of PSHE and art activities in the afternoons.  We are particularly enjoying Draw With Rob.

Please make sure you read this week's newsletter as it has details of a homework project we would like the children to complete.  We would like them to design a poster celebrating the best bits of being back at school.  Please do not send completed work into school.  Posters should be photographed or scanned and emailed to the phase group email.  We will choose a selection and print them off to be displayed along the fence on Down Hall Park Way.  Please do not add surnames to work for Safeguarding reasons.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall 

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Year 5/6 Welcome back!

Dear Parents/Carers

We hope you are well and had an enjoyable summer and that your children are well rested and ready to return to school next week.  Year 5/6 teachers are looking forward to welcoming your children back to school on Monday.  We have been working hard in school to ensure a smooth return and appreciate your support by following the guidelines we have set.

A few things to remember:

The children will need to wear full school uniform and bring their water bottles, lunch box (washable, of any type) and a reading book from home.  Children will not be bringing books home or using the school library.  They will be taking part in independent reading each day and will need to bring their own book.  This should be something that is appropriate for their age and reading level.  

MyOn should still be used at home.

Arrival and departure from school will be staggered.  Make sure you are aware of the drop off and collection time for your child. 

Ruby: Start - 8:30am     Finish - 2:55pm

Sapphire:  Start - 8:35am    Finish - 3:00pm

Topaz:           Start - 8:40am   Finish - 3:05pm

If you have more than one child at the school, they can be dropped off and collected at the earliest time.  Times can be found here Start and finish times

All children will be entering and leaving by the Downhall Park Way entrance.  We have chosen this entrance as it enables us to have a distinct entry and exit point (like in most public buildings) so  we can maintain social distancing and keep our community safe.

Hot school dinners will not be available. However, a school packed lunch can be ordered each day and should be paid for using SCOPAY.  Lunch Menu.

The Curriculum

The children will be learning a combination of objectives they would have covered in the Summer Term as well as beginning to access the Year 6 curriculum.  Gaps in their knowledge will be established and planned for accordingly. 

Maths and English will be covered every morning, with a combination of art, PSHE, Daily Mile (no change of shoes needed) and other projects being taught in the afternoon.

Please note:  There will be NO PE for the first two weeks.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept visitors into school, including the office, without an appointment.  Therefore, we would encourage parents to ensure that their child/children have everything they need for the school day and not drop off anything that has been forgotten.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher via the Year 5/6 email.

The DfE have published guidance for parents about children returning to school. This can be found here Returning To School DfE Guidance

Thank you in advance for your patience.  We are constantly reviewing the situation and will, of course, update you if necessary.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Sharman, Mrs Devlin and Mrs Witherall