Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Remembrance day assembly - Mon 11/11/19

We will be having a special whole-school Remembrance Day assembly on Monday 11th November at 10:40.  It will be led by Alan Clark, a volunteer from Rayleigh Town Museum. At 11:00 we will hold a minute's silence and have a bugle play Reveille and The Last Post (thanks to Mrs Morgan).
Mr Richards   

Archaeology group visit 07/11/19

It is with great excitement that I can confirm we will be receiving a visit from members of Rochford Hundred Field Archaeology Group (RHFAG) on Thursday 7th November.  Children will be told about the work of an archaeologist, see some of the tools and equipment first hand and have the opportunity to ask questions to the experts.  This will link with the current history-based project work happening in school.  Something to look forward to after the half term holidays!  Mr Richards.   

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

This week in 5/6 ...

This week in 5/6, the children continued to develop their understanding of British Values through viewing the Queen's speech during the Opening of Parliament. Most of the school gathered together in the hall to share in this experience. We were then able to discuss and point out the places within the Houses of Parliament that we visited recently on our school trip. 

Through our English lessons, the children either witnessed or participated in an experience of being in a restaurant. Unfortunately it was not the best service they could have received so they are using this to write formal letters of complaint. 

In Maths we have been learning about using known facts to multiply and divide. We have also looked at generating and describing linear number sequences. 

We would also like to thank parents for their support towards moving homework to Google Classrooms. Although there has been some teething problems, we are hopefully beginning to iron these out and Miss Hedges is working extremely hard to ensure they are not repeated. The children have enjoyed completing homework in this way and it is hugely beneficial to the teachers in collating the data results from each question. This shows us which areas of learning the children have understood and which areas we need to recap with the children.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday or Tuesday next week for Parent Teacher Consultations. 

Wednesday, 2 October 2019


Following consultation with parents (via Google Forms), pupils and teachers, we have decided to change the way we set homework in KS2.  Rather than have the books we have previously used, we will use Google applications (e.g. Google Forms, Google Slides and Google Docs). This proved very successful when we trialed it last week in maths. 

This has several benefits:

Work will be set by teachers so that it directly reflects the learning completed in class

Teachers can analyse the results so that they can tailor their lessons accordingly

Pupils and parents get instant feedback once it has been submitted

It saves paper (and plastic) 

A lunchtime homework club will be set up for those pupils who do not have access to the internet at home.  Please advise via the school office if your child needs to attend.   

Tip - If your child has access to a tablet / ipad, it may be beneficial to download the Google Classroom App which will make completing homework easier.     

Thank you to all parents who took part in the survey.  Your ongoing support is much appreciated.

With kind regards,

Mr Richards
Deputy Head Teacher