Friday, 24 May 2019

Blog Fri 24.05.19

With most of Year 6 away on their residential trip to the Isle of Wight, our classroom make up has been a little different back in school.  However, pupils have responded positively and enjoyed the change. We hope our Year 6s have had a fabulous time and we wish them a safe journey home.         

Over half term, pupils are asked to gather as much information as they can about the first moon landing.  They will be provided with a piece of A3 paper to present their findings and are encouraged to use the following features:

Title, subheadings, paragraphs, pictures, captions and bullet points. This work will feed into our work when we return to school after the holidays.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Have you seen this man?

Year 5 and 6 witnessed a theft this morning, right outside their classrooms.

After witnessing the crime, children wrote notes in order to write a witness statement to assist the investigation.  We hope he is caught soon! 

Friday, 3 May 2019

Year 5/6 Fri 03.05.19

We will be having a special assembly next Tuesday, led by Alan Clark from the Rayleigh Mill Rotary Club.  He will share information about the work of the charity and present Year 6 pupils with their very own dictionary.  Next week, pupils will be writing their own police witness statements in English lessons.

Enjoy the long weekend!

From all the Year 5/6 teachers   

Homework tasks for this week

Homework pages as follows:
Ruby:  English - p40-41  Maths - p56-57
Sapphire:  English - p50-51  Maths - Calculation balancing sheet
Topaz:  English - p86-87  Maths - Calculation balancing sheet

YEAR 6 (all 3 classes)
Pupils are to use their maths homework books to revise previous learning and complete any pages that have not been used to date.