Monday, 24 September 2018

Last week at school the children have been learning about classifying living things in science this week.

Perhaps they could look for examples in their own back garden or on the beech / in the woods. Any drawings and information gathered can be used on science displays in class.

In PSHE we have been looking at British citizens, with a focus on which children's Rights were being met in the photo or denied.

This week at school, the children will be looking at legends and thinking about how these are different to the myths we have looked at.

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Our first week back after the summer holidays

After the Summer holidays, the children returned to school this week looking extremely smart and with a positive attitude to their year ahead.

On Wednesday, the children settled in to their new classes. We discussed their holidays by completing an alphabet linking each letter to something they did over the six weeks. We also discussed their Rights as a child and used these Rights to support in making our Class Charters (an agreement between Rights Holders and Duty Bearers to follow within the classroom).

Next week at school, the children will continue learning about numbers and place value (focusing on Roman numerals, negative numbers and rounding) in Maths; we will start our English genre of writing which is on Myths and Legends (linking it to our Project on Ancient Greeks) and continue our Geography-focus in our Project lessons, interpreting maps on Greece and Ancient Greece.